Martin Scorsese - Goodfellas Scene 3 - Tekst piosenki, lyrics -

Goodfellas Scene 3

Martin Scorsese





Tekst piosenki
[TITLE UP - IDLEWILD AIRPORT: 1955] [EXT. WIDE SHOT - IDLEWILD CARGO AREA] HENRY *V.O.*: By the time I grew up, there was thirty billion a year in cargo moving through Idlewild Airport and we tried to steal every bit of it. [EXT. AIRPORT DINER - PARKING LOT - DAY] [ANGLE - GREY LIZARD SHOES AND SHARP GREY PANTS and UP TO SEE HENRY standing in parking lot, when a large truck pulls up. WE SEE TOMMY DESIMONE standing with him.] HENRY *V.O.*: You've got to understand, we grew up near the airport.. It belonged to Paulie. We had friends and relatives who worked all over the place and they tipped as off about what was coming in and what was going out. [WE SEE DRIVES get out of track with engine still running and leave door open. He nods to HENRY who does not respond and the DRIVES casually walks toward the diner.] HENRY *V.O.*: If any of the truckers or airlines gave as trouble, Paulie had his people scare then with a little strike. It was beautiful. It was an even bigger money-major than numbers, and Jimmy was in charge. Whenever we needed money, we'd rob the airport. To us, it was better than Citibank. [INT. TABLE IN DINER] [WE SEE DRIVER rise from debris of breakfast dishes, leave a tip and pay the CASHIER. Be walks out the door toward his truck in the parking lot.] [HOLD ON the door.] [DRIVER rushes back in through the door toward the CASHIER.] DRIVER *flushed and agitated*: Hurry, gimme the phone. Two niggers just stole my track. [INT. SONNY'S BAMBOO LOUNGE - DUSK] [A cavernous room within earshot of the airport that looks like a movie nightclub. No matter when you walk into the Bamboo Lounge it's always the middle of the night.] [CAMERA TRACKS past the zebra-striped banquettes and bar stools, past sharpy BUSINESSMEN, BOOKMAKERS and HOODS.] HENRY *V.O.*: There was Jimmy and Tommy and me. And there was Anthony Stabile, Angelo Sepe, Fat Andy, Frankie the Wop, Freddy No Nose, Pete the Killer, Nicky Blanda, Mikey Franzese, and Johnny Echoes, who got that nickname because he said everything twice. Like*, "You wanna get the papers, get the papers." [CAMERA TRACKS to the backroom which WE SEE is filled with racks of clothes, boxed television sets, new toaster ovens and stereos. WE SEE MAN rolling racks of fur coats into the room which looks like a discount store warehouse.] MAN *to Sonny*: Sonny, we got the coats. SONNY *ignoring the man, and to Henry*:You got any suits? HENRY: Not till Thursday. SONNY *closing door to backroom*: I need suits. CUT TO: HENRY, JIMMY, TOMMY, AND ASSORTED HOODS AND THEIR GIRLFRIENDS are having a party. There are champagne buckets around the table which is littered with steak and lobster dishes. The table is a mess and everyone is laughing. WE SEE HENRY look at his watch and look at the lounge's entrance. HENRY *V.O.*: For us to live any other way was nuts. To us, those goody-good people who worked shitty jobs for bum paychecks, who took the subway to work every day and worried about their bills, were dead. They were suckers. They had no balls. If we wanted something, we just took it. If anyone complained twice, they got hit so bad they never complained again. It was routine. You didn't even think about it. CUT TO: DOORWAY or BAMBOO LOUNGE WE SEE FRENCHY MCMAHON, a beefy man in a leather wind-breaker, enter. [WE SEE HENRY get up and go over to greet him.] CUT TO: THE BAR [HENRY and FRENCHY embrace.] [FRENCHY is still wearing his Air France cargo worker's - coveralls under his leather jacket and WE SEE the "Air France" logo and the name "Frenchy" in script over the coverall's breast pocket.] FRENCHY *trying to whisper above the din*: It's all there. I can get you past the alarms and I can get the key. [WE SEE HENRY torn to table and wave at JIMMY to join the at the bar.] CUT TO: THE TABLE [WE SEE JIMMY get up and go to the bar.] [WE SEE TOMMY at the table with SONNY BAMBOO, the owner, hovering around. SONNY BAMBOO is holding a thick sheaf of bills. WE SEE SONNY timidly approach TOMMY by whispering in his ear. In the BG, WE ALSO SEE the face of a terrified WAITER.] TOMMY *putting his arm around Sonny's shoulder*: It's okay. Put it on the tab. SONNY *whispering with fear a11 over his face*: Tommy, it's not just this. Tommy, please. It's seven grand here. [WE SEE TOMMY just stare menacingly at SONNY.] SONNY *he started, he might as well finish*: Tommy, I need the money, Tommy, please. I owe the world. TOMMY *leaping from the table in a rage*: You Sonofabitch fuck. Are you calling me a deadbeat? The money I spent here? Embarrassing me in front of my friends. You miserable fuck. *turning to his pals* Can you believe this bastard? *back to a terrified Sonny* Ungrateful fuck! I oughta break your fucking legs! [WE SEE SONNY BAMBOO flee toward his office, with TOMMY making a half-hearted gesture to follow, but instead, he walks over and joins HENRY, JIMMY and FRENCHY at the bar. He is smiling.] FRENCHY *to Tommy*: Hey, Tommy. Have a drink. [INT. BACKROOM - CABSTAND - DAY] [WE SEE SONNY BAMBOO meekly seated at table facing PAUL VARIO. HENRY is standing behind SONNY BAMBOO for support.] VARIO *groaning*: If you knew those fucking kids. They're nuts. Especially that Tommy. What am I going to do with them? SONNY *sweating*: But I'm worried. I'm hearing all kinds of things. Paulie. You know me all my life. I've always done the right thing. VARIO: You think that matters? You think they give a shit about anything? The little bastards. SONNY: But it isn't right, Paulie. That Tommy, he's making trouble for me all over town. I can't go here. I can't go there. VARIO: You? You think you're the only one? I've talked to them a million times, but they don't listen. SONNY *weakly*: But, Paulie, please. VARIO *barely listening*: Someday they'll get what's coming to them. That's the only way they'll stop. SONNY *pleading*: Paulie, I swear, I'm afraid. The guy's nuts. What do I have to do? Whatever I gotta do, I'll do. VARIO *arms outstretched like a saint*: What can I do? If I could do something, don't you think I would? [SONNY looks up at HENRY for support.] HENRY *to Sonny*: Tell him. It's okay. VARIO: What? SONNY: I was thinking that maybe you could come in with me. Take a piece of the place. If you were with me, maybe than they'd have to lay off. VASIO: What, do I need ... SONNY *interrupting*: I mean it. We could do good. VARIO: You want a partner? SONNY: Please? [EXT. BAMBOO LOUNGE - OUTSIDE - DAY] [WE SEE trucks with liquor, beer, sides of beef, even furniture like bar stools and large mirrors being unloaded and delivered into the front door.] HENRY *V.O.*: Now the guy's got Paulie for a partner. Any problems, he goes to Paulie. Trouble with the bill? He can go to Paulie. Trouble with the cops? Deliveries? Tommy? He can call Paulie. [INT. BAMBOO LOUNGE - DAY] [WE SEE HENRY AND TWO HOODS from cabstand checking the cases of liquor being delivered into the lounge. The entire room is filled floor to ceiling with cases of whiskey, wine, crates of lobster, and shrimp, and stacks of table linen and sides of beef. The place looks like a warehouse.] HENRY *V.O.*: But now the guy has got to come up with Paulie 's money every week, no matter what. Business bad? Fuck you, pay me. You had a fire? Fuck you, pay ma. The place got hit by lighting? Fuck you, pay me. Also, Paulie could do anything. Especially run up bills on the joint's credit. Why not? Nobody's gonna pay for it anyway. [EXT. BAMBOO LOUNGE - REAR ALLEYWAY - DAY] [WE SEE cases of liquor, wine, etc., being carried out of the rear door of the lounge by HOODS from the cabstand and loaded onto U-Haul trucks.] HENRY *V.O.*: As soon as the deliveries are made in the front door, you move the stuff out the back and sell it at a discount. You take a two hundred dollar case of booze and sell it for a hundred. It doesn't matter. It's all profit. [INT. BAMBOO LOUNGE OFFICE] [HENRY, JIMMY and TOMMY are standing around the small workman's table. There is no desk. The office looks denuded of furniture. A LAWYER is going over papers.] [A terrified, unshaven SONNY BAMBOO is seated behind the desk. The LAWYER is showing him where to sign.] HENRY *V.O.*: And, finally, when there's nothing 1 left, when you can't borrow another buck from the bank or buy another case of booze, you bust the joint out. CUT DIRECTLY TO: LARGE CLOSE UP OF - HANDS making rolls of toilet paper being kneaded into long rolls with Sterno. CUT TO: HENRY AND TOMMY shoving wads of Sterno paper into the ceiling rafters. HENRY *V.O.*: You light a match. CUT TO: CLOSE UP - MATCH Lighting rolls of Sterno paper. [EXT. BAMBOO LOUNGE - CURBSIDE - NIGHT] [The street is empty. HENRY and TOMMY are seated in HENRY'S car. They are watching the Bamboo Lounge.] TOMMY *to Henry*: You gotta help me. Okay? This girl I told you about? Diana? She's from the Five Towns. She's Jewish. She won't go out with me alone. Can you believe this shit? She's fucking prejudiced, but she's built. She's never been out with an Italian before. She says she'll only go out on a double date with her girlfriend. You believe this shit? But you gotta see her. I mean, she's beautiful. HENRY *laughing*: Will you get the fuck out of here. TOMMY: Is it my fault she won't go out without her girlfriend? For Chrissake. Come on. You don't even have to stay. Jeesuz! What's the big deal? HENRY: Tommy ... CUT TO: HENRY AND TOMMY watching smoke coming out of basement windows of Bamboo Lounge. TOMMY *O.S.* *back to conversation*: I swear you don't have to do nothing. You just show up and then leave. What do you think, I want you around? All I need is for you to get me started. [We hear car angina start.] [INT. A QUIET PLUSH BANQUETTE IN THE VILLA CAPRA] [A red damask restaurant. TOMMY and HENRY are seated on the outside of a U-shaped banquette with their two girls, DIANE and KAREN, seated inside. DIANE is being wooed and pawed by a blissful TOMMY. DIANE is enjoying every bit of TOMMY'S undivided attention. KAREN has not touched her melted baked Alaska and is looking directly at HENRY. HENRY is stirring his coffee.] HENRY *V.O.*: I had a meeting with Tuddy around eleven o'clock and here I am a back-up guy. KAREN: *sarcastically* Have more coffee. It'll wake you up. HENRY *V.O.*: I couldn't wait to get away. I was ordering the dessert when they were eating dinner. When they were having coffee, I was asking for a check. TOMMY *to Henry, while hugging Diana*: Isn't she great? Isn't this great? Let's do it tomorrow night? Okay? KAREN *V.O.*: I couldn't stand him. I thought he was really obnoxious. He kept fidgeting around. [EXT. RESTAURANT - PARKING LOT - NIGHT] [WE SEE HENRY pushing KAREN Into the car.] KAREN *V.O.*: Before it was even time to go home he was pushing me into the car ... [EXT. CURBSIDE - KAREN'S HOUSE - WE SEE HENRY hurrying KAREN out of the car.] KAREN *V.O.*:... and then pulling me out. It was ridiculous. But Diana and Tommy had made us promise to meet them again on Friday night. We agreed. Of course, when Friday night came around, Henry stood me up. [INT. VILLA CAPRA RESTAURANT - NIGHT] [WE SEE TOMMY, DIANE and KAREN seated at a table set for four.] KAREN *V.O.*: We were a trio instead of double-date that night, but I made Tommy take me looking for him. [EXT. CABSTAND SIDEWALK - NIGHT] [A hot night. The HOODS have moved to the sidewalk where WE SEE them sitting in sleeveless underwear, watching the street.] [WE SEE HENRY leave the cabstand when suddenly a car screeches up on the sidewalk directly in front of him. The HOODS scatter and WE SEE that HENRY is terrified.] KAREN *charging out of the door, screaming*: You've got some nerve. Standing me up. Nobody does that to me. Who do you think you are? A big shot? CUT TO: HENRY who sees TOMMY and DIANE in the car, laughing. HENRY *embarrassed and defensive*: I didn't know, I swear. I thought it was next week. KAREN: Liar! CUT TO: HENRY Who sees the WISEGUYS laughing. HENRY: Take it easy. We can talk about it. HENRY *V.O.*: She's screaming on the street and I mean loud, but she looked good. She had these violet eyes. I remember she's screaming, but mostly I'm looking at her eyes. They were just like Elizabeth Taylor's. That's what everybody said. KAREN *furious*: Talk? To you? After what you did! HENRY: I thought you were going to stand me up. You looked bored. You didn't say anything. What did you expect. Tommy was all over me. Right? [WE SEE KAREN relax for a second.] HENRY: Come on, let me make it up. [INT. ENTRY TO KAREN'S SUBURBAN HOME - EVENING] [ANGLE ON GOLD CROSS AROUND MAN'S NECK and TILT UP. HENRY is all smiles and slicked-up.] [Standing in the door wearing a grey suit and open-necked black silk shirt with a gold cross and chain.] KAREN *filled with alarm*: Button year shirt, quick! Hurry [HENRY buttons his shirt as KAREN'S MOTHER comes to the door.] KAREN: Ma, this is my friend, Henry Hill. MOTHER: My daughter says you're half-Jewish? [EXT. COPACABANA - NIGHT] [HENRY gives the keys and a rolled-up twenty-dollar bill to the DOORMAN at the building across the street and steers KAREN toward the Copa.] KAREN: What're you doing? What about the car? HENRY *while pushing her through the crowd waiting to get in*: He watches it for me. It's better than waiting at a garage. [HE SEE HENRY deftly steer KAREN away from the Copa's main entrance and down the basement steps. A HUGE BODYGUARD, eating a sandwich in the stairwell, gives HENRY a big "Hello." WE SEE HENRY walk right through the basement kitchen, which is filled with CHINESE and LATINO COOKS and DISHWASHERS who pay no attention. KAREN is being dragged along, open-mouthed, at the scene. HENRY starts up a stained kitchen staircase through a pair of swinging doors and suddenly KAREN sees she is inside the main room. The harried MAITRE D' *he is surrounded by CUSTOMERS clamoring for their tables* waves happily at HENRY and signals to a CAPTAIN. WE SEE a table held aloft by TWO WAITERS wedging their way toward the stage and plant the table smack in front of what had until that moment been a ringside table. As HENRY leads KAREN to their seat, she sees that he is nodding and shaking hands with MANY of the OTHER GUESTS. WE SEE HENRY quietly slip twenty-dollar-bills to the WAITERS.] KAREN *sitting down*: You gave them twenty dollars each? [WE SEE the CAPTAIN approach with champagne.] CAPTAIN: This is from Mister Tony, over there. HENRY: Where, over there? CAPTAIN: Over there, over there. [KAREN watches HENRY turn around and wave at a 280-POUND HOOD.] KAREN: What do you do? HENRY *toasting Karen and clinking glasses*: I'm in construction. KAREN *taking his hands*: They don't feel like you're in construction. [HENRY turns to the stage where the lights begin to dim and BENNY YOUNGMAN walks out.] HENRY: I'm a union delegate. [EXT. AIR FRANCE CARGO AREA - NIGHT] [On loading platform HE SEE HENRY and TOMMY dressed in Air France coveralls.] [HENRY is carrying a large suitcase.] [Suddenly WE SEE FRENCHY McMAHON come through a door, slip HENRY a key and lead them back into the office area near the entrance.] [HENRY goes to the door marked "SECURITY AREA" that FRENCHY points out and opens it with the key. HENRY and TOMMY go inside.] CUT TO: HENRY AND TOMMY coming out with the suitcase, close the door and walk right past FRENCHY without saying a word. [INT. CABSTAND BACKROOM - NIGHT] [WE SEE the suitcase open on the desk. WE SEE VARIO, JIMMY, HENRY and TOMMY standing around, wreathed in smiles. HENRY is counting stacks of cash, spreading them all over the desk.] HENRY *V.O.*: Air France made me. We walked out with four hundred and twenty thousand dollars without a gun. And we did the right thing. [HENRY counts up $420,000 and slides ten packages of $l00-bills in front of VARIO who stands up and proudly kisses HENRY on the cheek. JIMMY and TOMMY, both aglow with the moment, look on. It is clear that HENRY has come of age.] CUT TO: HENRY'S FACE VARIO *to Henry*: It's a lot of money for a kid. If anyone asks, just say you won it shooting crap. [EXT. BEACH CLUB - DAY [HENRY and KAREN are at a sun-drenched table after paper-cup and paper-plate lunch where HENRY is trying to pay cash.] KAREN *touching Henry's arm*: No. No. You've got to sign for it. [WE SEE athletic YOUNG MEN and WOMEN in white clothe*carrying tennis and squash rackets walk by. One young man, BRUCE, says hello to KAREN. She introduces him to HENRY.] KAREN *after Bruce walks on*: He lives across the street. CUT TO: CHAMPAGNE being sent to table. [INT. NIGHTCLUB - NIGHT] [CAMERA PANS to stage where WE SEE SINGER'S back and HENRY and KAREN at a luxurious ringside table with linen, silver, and crystal.] KAREN *V.O.*: One night Billy Daniels sent us champagne. There was nothing like it. I didn't think that there was anything strange in any of this -- you know, a twenty-one-year-old kid with such connections. CUT TO: INT. HENRY'S CAR - DAWN [HENRY and KAREN are sipping champagne from Copa glasses incar parked outside her house.] KAREN *V.O.*: He was an exciting guy. He was really nice. He introduced me to everybody. Everybody wanted to be nice to him. And he knew how to handle it. CUT TO: INT. MARTY KRUGMAN'S QUEENS BOUEVARD WIG AND BEAUTY SALON - DAY [ANGLE ON MARTY'S TELEVISION COMMERCIAL] [WE SEE MARTY swimming the length of a pool, surrounded by adoring MODELS in bathing suits.] MARTY'S TV *V.O.*: They'll stay put even in a typhoon. And I should know. I'm the president of the company." [WE SEE MARTY and HENRY standing near television set commercial is repeated over and over. MARTY is taking bets on the phone and complaining to HENRY. WE SEE an agitated JIMMY BURKE in BG poking at wigs and looking toward HENRY and MARTY] MARTY. *complaining sotto voice to Henry while taking bets on the phone*: Jimmy's busting my chops. *into phone* Okay, give 'em eight to five on Cleveland. *hangs up phone and to Henry, while nervously eyeing in the other room* He wants three points over the vig. From me? I don't believe this shit? HENRY *pleading*: Marty. Please. You know Jimmy. You borrowed his money. Pay 'em. MARTY *so outraged his voice gets loader*: I didn't agree to three points over the vig.- What am I nuts? I didn't need it that much. HENRY *getting exasperated*: What are you gonna do? Fight with him? He wants his money. MAJKTY: Fuck 'em. I never paid points. I always did the right thing. Did I ever bust his balls? Did I? Did I? I could have dropped a dime a million times, and I wouldn't have had to pay dick. HENRY *getting annoyed*: Marty, you're talking crazy. Drop a dime? Call the cops? Don't even let anybody hear such bullshit. Hey don't you just pay the man his money and shut the fuck up. [WE SEE JIMMY in BG start toward HENRY and MARTY when he hears HENRY raise his voice.] [WE SEE JIMMY come up behind MARTY and wrap the long telephone extension cord around MARTY's neck. WE SEE MARTY's eyes begin to pop. WE SEE HENRY try to get his hands between the wire and MARTY's neck while trying to get JIMMY to stop.] JIMMY *total fury*: You got money for your bullshit television, don't you? I gotta watch you swimming back and forth on TV all night long, don't I? You got money for that, but you don't have my money? HENRY: Jimmy. He'll be okay. He's good for it. Relax. [WE SEE MARTY nodding in agreement that he will pay. Suddenly, the phone rings.] [WE SEE JIMMY, HENRY and MARTY frozen for a second. WE SEE JIMMY relax the cord. WE SEE MARTY pick up the phone. The extension cord is still loosely wrapped around his neck.] MARTY *handing Henry the phone*: It's for you. [HENRY takes the phone.] HENRY *fury crosses his face*: Wait there. [HENRY races out the door, leaving MARTY and JIMMY docilely looking after him as he runs out the door.] [EXT. ROADSIDE TELEPHONE BOOTH ON HIGHWAY] [WE SEE KAREN waiting at booth as HENRY pulls up.] [INT. HENRY'S CAR] KAREN *crying and disheveled*: I've known him all my life. He just started grabbing at me. He wouldn't stop. And when I hit him across the nose with my shoe, he got mad and shoved me over. [EXT. KAREN'S PARENTS HOUSE] [HENRY's car is parked at the curb. A new red Corvette is parked across the street.] HENRY: Go inside. I'll be right there. KAREN: What are you gonna do? HENRY: Get inside! [When KAREN gets out of the car, WE SEE HENRY reach under the seat for a snub-nose .38 revolver.] [EXT. CORVETTE DRIVEWAY] [WE SEE HENRY walk down driveway to the backyard area where BRUCE and TWO of his BROTHERS are talking. BRUCE sees HENRY and walks toward him. BRUCE'S TWO BROTHERS are smirking.] BRUCE: What do you want? [They get closer.] BRUCE *annoyed and menacing*: Hey! Fucko! You want something? [With absolutely no warning, HENRY reaches out and grabs BRUCE's hair with one hand and pulls his gun out of his waistband with the other. In almost one motion, HENRY smashes the gun across BRUCE's face. Teeth fall from BRUCE's mouth. The TWO BROTHERS, still not seeing the gun, start toward HENRY, but HENRY continues to pound the gun into BRUCE'S face like a dinner gong. BRUCE's head is still off the ground only because HENRY refuses to let go of his hair. BRUCE'S BROTHERS realize HENRY has a gun. They freeze and back off.] WOMAN'S VOICE *from a window*: HELP! Police! He's got a gun! Police! Quick! Murder! [HENRY drops BRUCE to the ground.] [EXT. KAREN'S DRIVEWAY] [WE SEE KAREN standing at the side door as HENRY races up and puts something in her hand.] HENRY *panting*: Here, hold this. [WE SEE KAREN look down.] CUT TO: KAREN'S HAND holding gun. [CLOSE UP - GUN] KAREN *V.O.*: I know there are women, like my best friends, who would have gotten out of there the minute their boyfriend gave them a gun to hide. "Fha! You and your gun. Get out of here, who needs you?" That's what they would have said to him. But I didn't. I've got to admit the truth. It turned me on. [WE SEE KAREN look around to make sure no one else has seen her. She then leans over and hides the gun in the milk box at her feet.] [INT. KAREN'S PARENTS' HOUSE] [WE SEE hands carefully wrapping a white linen table napkin around some object. WE SEE the napkin and object placed on the fleer. WE SEE a MAN's heel cone down and smash the object which turns out to be a wine glass. We are at a small Jewish living room wedding with a canopy and RABBI and it was HENRY who broke the glass as a part of the ritual. KAREN'S PARENTS are glumly looking on. HENRY'S PARENTS are even glummer. Only MICHAEL, HENRY's brother in the wheelchair, looks pleased.] [INT. CHATEAU BLEU CATERING HALL] [PAULIE VARIO, FRENCHY, MARTY KRUGMAN, TOMMY DESIMONE, and ALL of their WIVES and FIANCEES are present.] [PAN from HENRY'S and KAREN'S PARENTS sitting uneasily at different tables.] [JUMP CUTS TO PAUL VARIO presiding at a sort of line, introducing KAREN to the VARIO FAMILY and GUESTS. HENRY stands behind KAREN, smiling proudly.] KAREN *V.O.*: It was like he had two families. The first time I was introduced to them all at once, it was crazy. Paulie and his brothers had lots of sons and nephews and almost all of them were named Peter or Paul. It was unbelievable. There must have been two dozen Peters and Paul's at the wedding. Plus, they were all married to girls named Marie, and they named all their daughters Marie. By the time I finished meeting everybody. I thought I was drunk. [CUT TO: HENRY AND KAREN'S TABLE] [Seated nearby are a beaming JIMMY BURKE and his wife, MICKEY BURKE.] [WE SEE VARIO approach and hand KAREN an envelope.] VARIO: Here. This is for you. KAREN *looking down at the envelope*: Paulie, you shouldn't. [WE SEE that VARIO's envelope is richly embossed with hearts and flowers and has a clear window in front through which she can see several neatly-folded hundred, dollar bills. When KAREN looks up, she sees that EVERY WISEGUY and his WIFE are lined up before her and that they are ALL holding envelopes with clear windows in front.] CUT TO: KAREN perspiring a little as she accepts and thanks the DOZENS OF WISEGUYS giving her the envelopes. WE ALSO SEE HENRY has opened a plastic supermarket shopping bag under the table where he is stuffing the envelopes just as soon as KAREN accepts them. CUT TO: HENRY AND KAREN getting up to dance. KAREN *whispering*: My bag. My bag. HENRY *amused*: What bag? KAREN *desperate*: The bag with the envelopes. HENRY *chiding*: Oh that. Don't worry about that. Nobody's gonna steal it. [INT. KAREN'S MOTHER'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAWN] [WE SEE KAREN propped up, awake, in a chair. Her FATHER is seated on a sofa, asleep. KAREN'S MOTHER is looking out the window.] KAREN'S MOTHER: He didn't call? KAREN: He's with his friends. KAREN'S MOTHER: What kind of person doesn't call? KAREN: He's a grown man. Be doesn't have to call every five minutes. KAREN'S MOTHER: If he was so grown up he'd get you two an apartment. KAREN: Don't bring that up. You're the one who wanted us here. KAREN'S MOTHER *ignoring the charge*: Look. He's got the whole house in an uproar. [CUT TO: FATHER dozing on sofa. KAREN'S MOTHER: He's got your father upset. Good thing he doesn't have to go to work in the morning. Is this what he deserves? KAREN: Ma! Please! You're driving me crazy. KAREN'S MOTHER: Driving you crazy? Don't get me started. You're here a month and sometimes I know he doesn't come home at all. What kind of people are these? KAREN: Ma! Stop! What do you want me to do? KAREN'S MOTHER: Do? What can you do? What did you expect? He wasn't Jewish. Did you know bow they live? Your father would never stay out this late without calling. In thirty years he never stayed out all night. CUT TO: FATHER SLEEPING ON SOFA KAREN: Stayed out? Daddy never went out at all.

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