George Lucas - Star Wars : A New Hope (Part 3) - Tekst piosenki, lyrics -

Star Wars : A New Hope (Part 3)

George Lucas

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope



Tekst piosenki
INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON -- COCKPIT Solo spots approaching enemy ships. HAN: (to Chewie) We're coming up on the sentry ships. Hold 'em off! Angle the deflector shields while I charge up the main guns! INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON -- CENTRAL HOLD AREA Luke looks downward sadly, shaking his head back and forth, as the princess smiles comfortingly at him. LUKE: I can't believe he's gone. Artoo-Detoo beeps a reply. LEIA: There wasn't anything you could have done. Han rushes into the hold area where Luke is sitting with the princess. HAN: (to Luke) Come on, buddy, we're not out of this yet! INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON -- GUNPORTS -- COCKPIT Solo climbs into his attack position in the topside gunport. INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON -- HOLD AREA Luke gets up and moves out toward the gunports as Leia heads for the cockpit. INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON -- GUNPORTS -- COCKPIT Luke climbs down the ladder into the gunport cockpit, settling into one of the two main laser cannons mounted in large rotating turrets on either side of the ship. INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON -- SOLO'S GUNPORT. Han adjusts his headset as he sits before the controls of his laser cannon, then speaks into the attached microphone. HAN: (to Luke) You in, kid? Okay, stay sharp! INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON -- GUNPORTS -- COCKPIT Chewbacca and Princess Leia search the heavens for attacking TIE fighters. The Wookiee pulls back on the speed controls as the ship bounces slightly. INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON -- SOLO'S GUNPORT -- COCKPIT Computer graphic readouts form on Solo's target screen, as Han reaches for controls. INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON -- GUNPORT -- COCKPIT Luke sits in readiness for the attack, his hand on the laser cannon's control button. INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON -- COCKPIT Chewbacca spots the enemy ships and barks. LEIA: (into intercom) Here they come! INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON -- COCKPIT -- POV (POINT OF VIEW) -- SPACE The Imperial TIE fighters move towards the Millennium Falcon, one each veering off to the left and right of the pirateship. INT. TIE FIGHTER -- COCKPIT The stars whip past behind the Imperial pilot as he adjusts his maneuvering joy stick. EXT. MILLENNIUM FALCON -- IN SPACE The TIE fighter races past the Falcon, firing laser beams as it passes. INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON -- HOLD AREA Threepio is seated in the hold area, next to Artoo-Detoo. The pirateship bounces and vibrates as the power goes out in the room and then comes back on. INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON -- COCKPIT -- GUNPORTS. A TIE fighter maneuvers in front of Han, who follows it and fires at it with the laser cannon. Luke does likewise, as the fighter streaks into view. The ship has suffered a minor hit, and bounces slightly. EXT. SPACE Two TIE fighters dive down toward the pirateship. INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON -- GUNPORTS Luke fires at an unseen fighter. LUKE: They're coming in too fast! EXT. SPACE -- MILLENNIUM FALCON/TIE FIGHTERS Pan with pirateship as two TIE fighters charge through the background. Laserbolts streak from all the craft. INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON -- CHEWBACCA The ship shudders as a laserbolt hits very close to the cockpit. The Wookiee chatters something to Leia. EXT. TIE FIGHTER -- SPACE Full shot of a TIE fighter as it moves fast through the frame, firing on the pirate starship. EXT. SPACE -- TIE FIGHTERS. The two TIE fighters fire a barrage of laserbeams at the pirateship. INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON -- MAIN PASSAGEWAY A laserbolt streaks into the side of the pirateship. The ship lurches violently, throwing poor Threepio into a cabinet fill of small computer chips. THREEPIO: Oooh! INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON -- COCKPIT -- GUNPORTS Leia watches the computer readout as Chewbacca manipulates the ship's controls. LEIA: We've lost lateral controls. HAN: Don't worry, she'll hold together. An enemy laserbolt hits the pirateship's control panel, causing it to blow out in a shower of sparks. HAN: (to ship) You hear me, baby? Hold together! Artoo-Detoo advances toward the smoking sparking control panel, dousing the inferno by spraying it with fire retardant beeping all the while. INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON -- GUNPORT Luke swivels in his gun mount, following the TIE fighter with his laser cannon. INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON -- GUNPORT Solo aims his laser cannon at the enemy fighter. EXT. SPACE A TIE fighter streaks in front of the starship. INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON -- COCKPIT Leia watches the TIE fighter ship fly over. EXT. SPACE A TIE fighter heads right for the pirateship, then zooms overhead. INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON -- GUNPORTS Luke follows the TIE fighter across his field of view, firing laserbeams from his cannon. EXT. TIE FIGHTER A TIE fighter dives past the pirateship. INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON -- GUNPORTS Luke fires at a TIE fighter. At his port, Han follows a fighter in his sights, releasing a blast of laserfire. He connects, and the fighter explodes into fiery dust. Han laughs victoriously. EXT. SPACE Two TIE fighters move toward and over the Millennium Falcon, unleashing a barrage of laserbolts at the ship. INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON -- GUNPORTS Another TIE fighter moves in on the pirateship and Luke, smiling, fires the laser cannon at it, scoring a spectacular direct hit. LUKE: Got him! I got him! Han turns and gives Luke a victory wave which Luke gleefully returns. HAN: Great kid! Don't get cocky. Han turns back to his laser cannon. EXT. SPACE Two more TIE fighters cross in front of the pirateship. INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON -- COCKPIT While Chewbacca manipulates the controls, Leia turns, looking over her shoulder out the ports. LEIA: There are still two more of them out there! EXT. SPACE A TIE fighter moves up over the pirateship, firing laserblasts at it. INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON -- GUNPORTS Luke and Han look into their respective projected target screens. An Imperial fighter crosses Solo's port, and Han swivels in his chair, following it with blasts from his laser cannon. Another fighter crosses Luke's port, and he reacts in a like manner, the glow of his target screen lighting his face. EXT. SPACE The TIE fighter zooms toward the pirateship, firing destructive blasts at it. INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON -- GUNPORTS Luke fires a laserblast at the approaching enemy fighter, and it bursts into a spectacular explosion. Luke's projected screen gives a readout of the hit. The pirateship bounces slightly as it is struck by the enemy fire. EXT. SPACE -- TIE FIGHTER The last of the attacking Imperial TIE fighters looms in, firing upon the Falcon. INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON -- GUNPORT Solo swivels behind his cannon, his aim describing the arc of the TIE fighter. The fighter comes closer, firing at the pirateship, but a well-aimed blast from Solo's laser cannon hits the attacker, which blows up in a small atomic shower of burning fragments. LUKE: (laughing) That's it! We did it! The princess jumps up and gives Chewie a congratulatory hug. LEIA: We did it! INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON -- PASSAGEWAY Threepio lies on the floor of the ship, completely tangled in the smoking, sparking wires. THREEPIO: Help! I think I'm melting! (to Artoo) This is all your fault. Artoo turns his dome from side to side, beeping in response. EXT. SPACE -- MILLENNIUM FALCON The victorious Millennium Falcon moves off majestically through space. INT. DEATH STAR -- CONTROL ROOM Darth Vader strides into the control room, where Tarkin is watching the huge view screen. A sea of stars is before him. TARKIN: Are they away? VADER: They have just made the jump into hyperspace. TARKIN: You're sure the homing beacon is secure aboard their ship? I'm taking an awful risk, Vader. This had better work. INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON -- COCKPIT Han, removes his gloves and smiling, is at the controls of the ship. Chewie moves into the aft section to check the damage. Leia is seated near Han. HAN: Not a bad bit of rescuing, huh? You know, sometimes I even amaze myself. LEIA: That doesn't sound too hard. Besides, they let us go. It's the only explanation for the ease of our escape. HAN: call that easy? LEIA: Their tracking us! HAN: Not this ship, sister. Frustrated, Leia shakes her head. LEIA: At least the information in Artoo is still intact. HAN: What's so important? What's he carrying? LEIA: The technical readouts of that battle station. I only hope that when the data is analyzed, a weakness can be found. It's not over yet! HAN: It is for me, sister! Look, I ain't in this for your revolution, and I'm not in it for you, Princess. I expect to be well paid. I'm in it for the money! LEIA: You needn't worry about your reward. If money is all that you love, then that's what you'll receive! She angrily turns, and as she starts out of the cockpit, passes Luke coming in. LEIA: Your friend is quite a mercenary. I wonder if he really cares about anything...or anyone. LUKE: I care! Luke, shaking his head, sits in the copilot seat. He and Han stare out at the vast blackness of space. LUKE: So...what do you think of her, Han? HAN: I'm trying not to, kid! LUKE: (under his breath) Good... HAN: Still, she's got a lot of spirit. I don't know, what do you think? Do you think a princess and a guy like me... LUKE: No! Luke says it with finality and looks away. Han smiles at young Luke's jealousy. EXT. SPACE AROUND FOURTH MOON OF YAVIN The battered pirateship drifts into orbit around the planet Yavin and proceeds to one of its tiny green moons. EXT. FOURTH MOON OF YAVIN The pirateship soars over the dense jungle. EXT. MASSASSI OUTPOST An alert guard, his laser gun in hand, scans the countryside. He sets the gun down and looks toward the temple, barely visible in the foliage. EXT. MASSASSI OUTPOST -- JUNGLE TEMPLE Rotting in a forest of gargantuan trees, an ancient temple lies shrouded in an eerie mist. The air is heavy with the fantastic cries of unimaginable creatures. Han, Luke and the others are greeted by the Rebel troops. Luke and the group ride into the massive temple on an armored military speeder. INT. MASSASSI -- MAIN HANGAR DECK The military speeder stops in a huge spaceship hangar, set up in the interior of the crumbling temple. Willard, the commander of the Rebel forces, rushes up to the group and gives Leia a big hug. Every one is pleased to see her. WILLARD: (holding Leia) You're safe! We had feared the worst. Willard composes himself, steps back and bows formally. WILLARD: When we heard about Alderaan, we were afraid that you were... lost along with your father. LEIA: We don't have time for our sorrows, Commander. The battle station has surely tracked us here (looking pointedly to Han). It's the only explanation for the ease of our escape. You must use the information in this R2 unit to plan the attack. It is our only hope. EXT. SPACE The surface of the Death Star ominously approaches the red planet Yavin. INT. DEATH STAR -- CONTROL ROOM Grand Moff Tarkin and Lord Vader are interrupted in their discussion by the buzz of the comlink. Tarkin moves to answer the call. TARKIN: Yes. DEATH STAR INTERCOM VOICE: We are approaching the planet Yavin. The Rebel base is on a moon on the far side. We are preparing to orbit the planet. EXT. YAVIN -- JUNGLE A lone guard stands in a tower high above the Yavin landscape, surveying the countryside. A mist hangs over the jungle of twisted green. INT. MASSASSI -- WAR ROOM BRIEFING AREA Dodonna stands before a large electronic wall display. Leia and several other senators are to one side of the giant readout. The low-ceilinged room is filled with starpilots, navigators, and a sprinkling of R2-type robots. Everyone is listening intently to what Dodonna is saying. Han and Chewbacca are standing near the back. DODONNA: The battle station is heavily shielded and carries a firepower greater than half the star fleet. It's defenses are designed around a direct large-scale assault. A small one-man fighter should be able to penetrate the outer defense. Gold Leader, a rough looking man in his early thirties, stands and addresses Dodonna. GOLD LEADER: Pardon me for asking, sir, but what good are snub fighters going to be against that? DODONNA: Well, the Empire doesn't consider a small one-man fighter to be any threat, or they'd have a tighter defense. An analysis of the plans provided by Princess Leia has demonstrated a weakness in the battle station. Artoo-Detoo stands next to a similar robot, makes beeping sounds, and turns his head from right to left. DODONNA: The approach will not be easy. You are required to maneuver straight down this trench and skim the surface to this point. The target area is only two meters wide. It's a small thermal exhaust port, right below the main port. The shaft leads directly to the reactor system. A precise hit will start a chain reaction which should destroy the station. A murmer of disbelief runs through the room. DODONNA: Only a precise hit will set up a chain reaction. The shaft is ray-shielded, so you'll have to use proton torpedoes. Luke is sitting next to Wedge Antilles, a hotshot pilot about sixteen years old. WEDGE: That's impossible, even for a computer. LUKE: It's not impossible. I used to bull's-eye womp rats in my T-sixteen back home. They're not much bigger than two meters. DODONNA: Man your ships! And may the Force be with you! The group rises and begins to leave. EXT. SPACE The Death Star begins to move around the planet toward the tiny green moon. INT. DEATH STAR Tarkin and Vader watch the computer projected screen with interest, as a circle of lights intertwines around one another on the screen showing it's position in relation to Yavin and the forth moon. DEATH STAR INTERCOM VOICE: Orbiting the planet at maximum velocity. The moon with the Rebel base will be in range in thirty minutes. VADER: This will be a day long remembered. It has seen the end of Kenobi and it will soon see the end of the Rebellion. INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST -- MAIN HANGAR DECK Luke, Threepio and little Artoo enter the huge spaceship hangar and hurry along a long line of gleaming spacefighters. Flight crews rush around loading last-minute armaments and unlocking power couplings. In an area isolated from this activity Luke finds Han and Chewbacca loading small boxes onto an armored speeder. MAN'S VOICE: (over loudspeaker) All flight trooper, man your stations. All flight troops, man your stations. Han is deliberately ignoring the activity of the fighter pilots' preparation. Luke is quite saddened at the sight of his friend's departure. LUKE: got your reward and you're just leaving then? HAN: That's right, yeah! I got some old debts I've got to pay off with this stuff. Even if I didn't, you don't think I'd be fool enough to stick around here, do you? Why don't you come with us? You're pretty good in a fight. I could use you. LUKE: (getting angry) Come on! Why don't you take a look around? You know what's about to happen, what they're up against. They could use a good pilot like you. You're turning your back on them. HAN: What good's a reward if you ain't around to use it? Besides, attacking that battle station ain't my idea of courage. It's more like suicide. LUKE: All right. Well, take care of yourself, Han. I guess that's what you're best at, isn't it? Luke goes off and Han hesitates, then calls to him. HAN: Hey, Luke...may the Force be with you! Luke turns and sees Han wink at him. Luke lifts his hand in a small wave and then goes off. Han turns to Chewie who growls at his captain. HAN: What're you lookin' at? I know what I'm doing. INT. MAIN HANGAR DECK -- LUKE'S SHIP Luke, Leia, and Dodonna meet under a huge space fighter. LEIA: What's wrong? LUKE: Oh, it's Han! I don't know, I really thought he'd change his mind. LEIA: He's got to follow his own path. No one can choose it for him. LUKE: I only wish Ben were here. Leia gives Luke a little kiss, turns, and goes off. As Luke heads for his ship, another pilot rushes up to him and grabs his arm. BIGGS: Luke! I don't believe it! How'd you get here...are you going out with us?! LUKE: Biggs! Of course, I'll be up there with you! Listen, have I got some stories to tell... Red Leader, a rugged handsome man in his forties, comes up behind Luke and Biggs. He has the confident smile of a born leader. RED LEADER: Are you...Luke Skywalker? Have you been checked out on the Incom T-sixty-five? BIGGS: Sir, Luke is the best bushpilot in the outer rim territories. Red Leader pats Luke on the back as they stop in front of his fighter. RED LEADER: I met your father once when I was just a boy, he was a great pilot. You'll do all right. If you've got half of your father's skill, you'll do better than all right. LUKE: Thank you, sir. I'll try. Red Leader hurries to his own ship. BIGGS: I've got to get aboard. Listen, you'll tell me your stories when we come back. All right? LUKE: I told you I'd make it someday, Biggs. BIGGS: (going off) You did, all right. It's going to be like old times, Luke. We're a couple of shooting stars that'll never be stopped! Luke laughs and shakes his head in agreement. He heads for his ship. As Luke begins to climb up the ladder into his sleek, deadly spaceship, the crew chief, who is working on the craft, points to little Artoo, who is being hoisted into a socket on the back of the fighter. CHIEF: This R2 unit of your seems a bit beat up. Do you want a new one? LUKE: Not on your life! That little droid and I have been through a lot together. (to Artoo) You okay, Artoo? The crewmen lower Artoo-Detoo into the craft. Now a part of the exterior shell of the starship, the little droid beeps that he is fine. Luke climbs up into the cockpit of his fighter and puts an his helmet. Threepio looks on from the floor of the massive hangar as the crewmen secure his little electronic partner into Luke's X-wing. It's an emotional-filled moment as Artoo beeps good-bye. CHIEF: Okay, easy she goes! THREEPIO: Hang on tight,Artoo, you've got to come back. Artoo beeps in agreement. THREEPIO: You wouldn't want my life to get boring, would you? Artoo whistles his reply. All final preparations are made for the approaching battle. The hangar is buzzing with the last minute activity as the pilots and crewmen alike make their final adjustments. The hum of activity is occasionally trespassed by the distorted voice of the loudspeaker issuing commands. Coupling hoses are disconnected from the ships as they are fueled. Cockpit shields roll smoothly into place over each pilot. A signalman, holding red guiding lights, directs the ships. Luke, a trace of a smile gracing his lips, peers about through his goggles. BEN'S VOICE: Luke, the Force will be with you. Luke is confused at the voice and taps his headphones. EXT. MASSASSI OUTPOST -- JUNGLE All that can be seen of the fortress is a lone guard standing on a small pedestal jutting out above the dense jungle. The muted gruesome crying sounds that naturally permeate this eerie purgatory are overwhelmed by the thundering din of ion rockets as four silver starships catapult from the foliage in a tight formation and disappears into the morning cloud cover. INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST -- WAR ROOM The princess, Threepio, and a field commander sit quietly before the giant display showing the planet Yavin and its four moons. The red dot that represents the Death Star moves ever closer to the system. A series of green dots appear around the fourth moon. A din of indistinct chatter fills the war room. MASSASSI INTERCOM VOICE: Stand-by alert. Death Star approaching. Estimated time to firing range, fifteen minutes. EXT. SPACE The Death Star slowly moves behind the massive yellow surface of Yavin in the foreground, as many X-wing fighters flying in formation zoom toward us and out of the frame. EXT. SPACE -- ANOTHER ANGLE Light from a distant sun creates an eerie atmospheric glow around a huge planet, Yavin. Rebel fighters flying in formation settle ominously in the foreground and very slowly pull away. INT. RED LEADER STARSHIP -- COCKPIT Red Leader lowers his visor and adjusts his gun sights, looking to each side at his wing men. RED LEADER: All wings report in. INT. ANOTHER COCKPIT One of the Rebel fighters checks in through his mic. RED TEN: Red Ten standing by. INT. BIGGS' COCKPIT. Biggs checks his fighter's controls, alert and ready for combat. RED SEVEN: (over Biggs' headset) Red Seven standing by. BIGGS: Red Three standing by. INT. PORKINS' COCKPIT PORKINS: Red Six standing by. RED NINE: (over headset) Red Nine standing by. INT. WEDGE'S FIGHTER -- COCKPIT WEDGE: Red Two standing by. INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER -- COCKPIT RED ELEVEN: (over headset) Red Eleven standing by. LUKE: Red Five standing by. EXT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER Artoo-Detoo, in position outside of the fighter, turns his head from side to side and makes beeping sounds. INT. RED LEADER'S FIGHTER -- COCKPIT RED LEADER: Lock S-foils in attack position. EXT. SPACE The group of X-wing fighters move in formation toward the Death Star, unfolding the wings and locking them in the "X" position. INT. BIGGS' COCKPIT READ LEADER: (over headset) We're passing through their magnetic field. INT. RED LEADER'S COCKPIT RED LEADER: Hold tight! INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER -- COCKPIT Luke adjusts his controls as he concentrates on the approaching Death Star. The ship begins to be buffeted slightly. RED LEADER: (over headset) Switch your deflectors on. INT. ANOTHER COCKPIT RED LEADER: (over headset) Double front! EXT. SPACE The fighters, now X-shaped darts, move in formation. The Death Star now appears to be a small moon growing rapidly in size as the Rebel fighters approach. Complex patterns on the metallic surface begin to become visible. A large dish antenna is built into the surface on one side. INT. WEDGE'S COCKPIT Wedge is amazed and slightly frightened at the awesome spectacle. WEDGE: Look at the size of that thing! RED LEADER: (over headset) Cut the chatter, Red Two. INT. RED LEADER'S COCKPIT RED LEADER: Accelerate to attack speed. This is it, boys! EXT. SPACE As the fighters move closer to the Death Star, the awesome size of the gargantuan Imperial fortress is revealed. Half of the deadly space station is in shadow and this area sparkles with thousands of small lights running in thin lines and occasionally grouped in large clusters; somewhat like a city at night as seen from a weather satellite. INT. GOLD LEADER'S COCKPIT GOLD LEADER: Red Leader, this is Gold Leader. RED LEADER: (over headset) I copy, Gold Leader. GOLD LEADER: We're starting for the target shaft now. INT. RED LEADER'S COCKPIT Red Leader looks around at his wingmen; the Death Star looming in from behind. Two Y-wing fighters bob back and forth in the background. He moves his computer targeting device into position. RED LEADER: We're in position. I'm going to cut across the axis and try and draw their fire. EXT. SPACE Two squads of Rebel fighters peel off. The X-wings dive towards the Death Star surface. A thousand lights glow across the dark grey expanse of the huge station. INT. DEATH STAR Alarm sirens scream as soldiers scramble to large turbo- powered laser gun emplacements. Electronic drivers rotate the huge guns into position as crew adjust their targeting devices. EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Laserbolts streak through the star-filled night. The Rebel X-wing fighters move in toward the Imperial base, as the Death Star aims its massive laser guns at the Rebel forces and fires. INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST -- WAR ROOM Princess Leia listens to the battle over the intercom. Threepio is at her side. WEDGE: (over war room speaker system) Heavy fire, boss! Twenty-degrees. RED LEADER: (over speaker) I see it. Stay low. EXT. SPACE An X-wing zooms across the surface of the Death Star. INT. DEATH STAR Technical crews scurry here and there loading last-minute armaments and unlocking power cables. INT. WEDGE'S COCKPIT Wedge maneuvers his fighter toward the menacing Death Star. EXT. SPACE X-wings continue in their attack course on the Death Star. INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER -- COCKPIT Luke nosedives radically, starting his attack on the monstrous fortress. The Death Star surface streaks past the cockpit window. LUKE: This is Red Five; I'm going in! EXT. SPACE Luke's X-wing races toward the Death Star. Laserbolts streak from Luke's weapons, creating a huge fireball explosion on the dim surface. INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER -- COCKPIT Terror crosses Luke's face as he realizes he won't be able to pull out in time to avoid the fireball. BIGGS: (over headset) Luke, pull up! EXT. SURFACE OF DEATH STAR Luke's ship emerges from the fireball, with the leading edges of his wings slightly scorched. INT. BIGGS' COCKPIT BIGGS: Are you all right? INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER -- COCKPIT Luke adjusts his controls and breathes a sigh of relief. Flak bursts outside the cockpit window. LUKE: I got a little cooked, but I'm okay. EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Rebel fighters continue to strafe the Death Star's surface with laserbolts. INT. DEATH STAR Walls buckle and cave in. Troops and equipment are blown in all directions. Stormtroopers stagger out of the rubble. Standing in the middle of the chaos, a vision of calm and foreboding, is Darth Vader. One of his Astro-Officers rushes up to him. ASTRO-OFFICER: We count thirty Rebel ships, Lord Vader. But they're so small they're evading our turbo-lasers! VADER: We'll have to destroy them ship to ship. Get the crews to their fighters. INT. DEATH STAR Smoke belches from the giant laser guns as they wind up their turbine generators to create sufficient power. The crew rushes about preparing for another blast. Even the troopers head gear is not adequate to protect them from the overwhelming noise of the monstrous weapon. One troopers bangs his helmet with his hand in an attempt to stop the ringing. INT. READ LEADER'S X-WING FIGHTER -- COCKPIT -- TRAVELING Red Leader flies through a heavy hail of flak. RED LEADER: Luke, let me know when you're going in. INT. LUKE'S X-WING -- COCKPIT -- TRAVELING The Red Leader's X-wing flies past Luke as he puts his nose down and starts his attack dive. LUKE: I'm on my way in now... RED LEADER: Watch yourself! There's a lot of fire coming from the right side of that deflection tower. LUKE: I'm on it. EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Luke flings his X-wing into a twisting dive across the horizon and down onto the dim grey surface. EXT. LUKE'S X-WING TRAVELING A shot hurls from Luke's guns. Laserbolts streak toward the onrushing Death Star surface. Several small radar emplacements erupt in flame. Laserfire erupts from a protruding tower on the surface. INT. LUKE'S X-WING -- COCKPIT -- TRAVELING The blurry Death Star surface races past the cockpit window as a big smile sweeps across Luke's face at the success of his run. Flak thunders on all sides of him. EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR The Death Star superstructure races past Luke as he maneuvers his craft through a wall of laserfire and peels away from the surface towards the heavens. INT. DEATH STAR The thunder and smoke of the big guns reverberate throughout the massive structure. Many soldiers rush about in the smoke and chaos, silhouetted by the almost continual flash of explosions. INT. BIGGS' COCKPIT -- TRAVELING Biggs dives through a forest of radar domes, antennae, and gun towers as he shoots low across the Death Star surface. A dense barrage of laserfire streaks by on all sides. INT. DEATH STAR Imperial star pilots dash in unison to a line of small auxiliary hatches that lead to Imperial TIE fighters. INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST -- WAR ROOM Princess Leia, surrounded by her generals and aides, paces nervously before a lighted computer table. On all sides technicians work in front of many lighted glass walls. Dodonna watches quietly from one corner. One of the officers working over a screen speaks into his headset. CONTROL OFFICER: Squad leaders, we've picked up a new group of signals. Enemy fighters coming your way. INT. LUKE'S X-WING -- COCKPIT -- TRAVELING Luke looks around to see if he can spot the approaching Imperial fighters. LUKE: My scope's negative. I don't see anything. INT. RED LEADER'S X-WING -- COCKPIT -- TRAVELING The Death Star's surface sweeps past as Red Leader searches the sky for the Imperial fighters. Flak pounds at his ship. RED LEADER: Keep up your visual scanning. With all this jamming, they'll be on top of you before your scope can pick them up. EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Silhouetted against the rim lights of the Death Star horizon, four ferocious Imperial TIE ships dive on the Rebel fighters. Two of the TIE fighters peel off and drop out of frame. Pan with the remaining two TIE ships. INT. BIGGS' COCKPIT -- TRAVELING Biggs panics when he discovers a TIE ship on his tail. The horizon in the background twists around as he peels off, hoping to lose the Imperial fighter. INT. RED LEADER'S COCKPIT RED LEADER: Biggs! You've picked one it! BIGGS: I can't see it! Where is he?! EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Biggs zooms off the surface and into space, closely followed by an Imperial TIE fighter. The TIE ship fires several laserbolts at Biggs, but misses. INT. BIGGS' COCKPIT -- TRAVELING Biggs see the TIE ship behind him and swings around, trying to avoid him. BIGGS: He's on me tight, I can't shake him...I can't shake him. EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Biggs, flying at high altitude, peels off and dives toward the Death Star surface, but he is unable to lose the TIE fighter, who sticks close to his tail. INT. X-WING FIGHTER -- COCKPIT -- TRAVELING Luke is flying upside down. He rotates his ship around to normal attitude as he comes out of his dive. LUKE: Hang on, Biggs, I'm coming in. EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Biggs and the tailing TIE ship dive for the surface, now followed by a fast-gaining Luke. After Biggs dives out of sight, Luke chases the Imperial fighter. EXT. SURFACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR In the foreground, the Imperial fighter races across the Death Star's surface, closely followed by Luke in the background. INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER -- COCKPIT -- TRAVELING There is a shot from Luke's X-wing of the TIE ship exploding in a mass of flames. LUKE: Got him! INT. DEATH STAR Darth Vader strides purposefully down a Death Star corridor, flanked by Imperial stormtroopers. VADER: Several fighters have broken off from the main group. Come with me! INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST -- WAR ROOM A concerned Princess Leia, Threepio, Dodonna, and other officers of the Rebellion stand around the huge round readout screen, listening to the ship-to-ship communication on the room's loudspeaker. BIGGS: (over speaker) Pull in! Luke...pull in! WEDGE: (over speaker) Watch your back, Luke! INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER -- COCKPIT WEDGE: (over headset) Watch your back! Fighter's above you, coming in! EXT. SPACE Luke's ship soars away from the Death Star's surface as he spots the tailing TIE fighter. INT. TIE FIGHTER'S COCKPIT The TIE pilot takes aim at Luke's X-wing. EXT. SPACE The Imperial TIE fighter pilot scores a hit on Luke's ship. Fire breaks out on the right side of the X-wing. INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER -- COCKPIT Luke looks out of his cockpit at the flames on his ship. LUKE: I'm hit, but not bad. EXT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER Smoke pours out from behind Artoo-Detoo. LUKE'S VOICE: Artoo, see what you can do with it. Hang on back there. Green laserfire moves past the beeping little robot as his head turns. INT. LUKE'S X-WING -- COCKPIT Luke nervously works his controls. RED LEADER: (over headset) Red Six... INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST -- WAR ROOM In the war room, Leia stands frozen as she listens and worries about Luke. RED LEADER: (over speaker) Can you see Red Five? RED TEN: (over speaker) There's a heavy fire zone on this side. Red Five, where are you? INT. LUKE'S X-WING -- COCKPIT Luke spots the TIE fighter behind him and soars away from the Death Star surface. LUKE: I can't shake him! EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Luke's ship soars closer to the surface of the Death Star, an Imperial TIE fighter closing in on him in hot pursuit. INT. WEDGE'S COCKPIT The Death Star whips below Wedge. WEDGE: I'm on him, Luke! INT. LUKE'S X-WING -- COCKPIT WEDGE: (over headset) Hold on! EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Wedge dives across the horizon toward Luke and the TIE fighter. INT. WEDGE'S COCKPIT Wedge moves his X-wing in rapidly. INT. LUKE'S X-WING -- COCKPIT Luke reacts frantically. LUKE: Blast it! Wedge where are you? INT. TIE FIGHTER -- COCKPIT The fighter pilot watches Wedge's X-wing approach. Another X-wing joins him, and both unleash a volley of laserfire on the Imperial fighter. EXT. SPACE The TIE fighter explodes, filling the screen with white light. Luke's ship can be seen far in the distance. INT. LUKE'S X-WING -- COCKPIT Luke looks about in relief. LUKE: Thanks, Wedge. INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST -- WAR ROOM. Leia, Threepio, Dodonna and other Rebel officers are listening to the Rebel Fighter's radio transmissions over the war room intercom. BIGGS: (over speaker) Good shooting, Wedge! GOLD LEADER: (over speaker) Red Leader... INT. GOLD LEADER'S Y-WING -- COCKPIT Gold Leader peels off and starts toward the long trenches at the Death Star surface pole. GOLD LEADER: This is Gold Leader. We're starting out attack run. EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Three Y-wing fighters of the Gold group dive out of the stars toward the Death Star surface. INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST -- WAR ROOM Leia and the others are grouped around the screen, as technicians move about attending to their duties. RED LEADER: (over speaker) I copy, Gold Leader. Move into position. EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR. Three Imperial TIE ships in precise formation dive toward the Death Star surface. INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Darth Vader calmly adjusts his control stick as the stars whip past in the window above his head. VADER: Stay in attack formation! INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST -- WAR ROOM Technicians are seated at the computer readout table. GOLD LEADER: (over speaker) The exhaust post is... INT: GOLD LEADER'S Y-WING -- COCKPIT. GOLD LEADER: ...marked and locked in! EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Gold Leader approaches the surface and pulls out to skim the surface of the huge station. The ship moves into a deep trench, firing laserbolts. The surface streaks past as laserfire is returned by the Death Star. INT. GOLD FIVE'S Y-WING -- COCKPIT -- TRAVELING Gold Five is a pilot in his early fifties with a very battered helmet that looks like it's been through many battles. He looks around to see if enemy ships are near. His fighter is buffeted by Imperial flak. INT. GOLD LEADER'S Y-WING -- COCKPIT Gold Leader races down the enormous trench that leads to the exhaust port. Laserbolts blast toward him in increasing numbers, occasionally exploding near the ship causing it to bounce about. GOLD LEADER: Switch power to front deflector screens. EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Three Y-wing skim the Death Star surface deep in the trench, as laserbolts streak past on all sides. EXT. DEATH STAR SURFACE -- GUN EMPLACEMENTS An exterior surface gun blazes away at the oncoming Rebel fighters. INT. GOLD LEADER'S Y-WING -- COCKPIT GOLD LEADER: How many guns do you think, Gold Five. INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST -- WAR ROOM GOLD FIVE: (over speaker) I'd say about twenty guns. Some on the surface, some on the towers. Leia, Threepio, and the technicians view the projected target screen, as red and blue target lights glow. The red target near the center blinks on and off. MASSASSI INTERCOM VOICE: (over speaker) Death Star will be in range in five minutes. EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR. The three Y-wing fighters race toward camera and zoom overhead through a hail of laserfire. INT. GOLD LEADER'S Y-WING -- COCKPIT Gold Leader pulls his computer targeting device down in front of his eye. Laserbolts continue to batter the Rebel craft. GOLD LEADER: Switching to targeting computer. INT. GOLD TWO'S Y-WING -- COCKPIT Gold Two, a younger pilot about Luke's age, pulls down his targeting eye viewer and adjusts it. His ship shudders under intense laser barrage. GOLD TWO: Computer's locked. Getting a signal. As the fighters begin to approach the target area, suddenly all the laserfire stops. An eerie clam clings over the trench as the surface whips past in a blur. GOLD TWO: The guns...they've stopped! EXT. GOLD FIVE'S COCKPIT Gold Five looks behind him. GOLD FIVE: Stabilize your read deflectors. Watch for enemy fighters. INT. GOLD LEADER'S Y-WING -- COCKPIT GOLD LEADER: They've coming in! Three marks at two ten. EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Three Imperial TIE ships, Darth Vader in the center flanked by two wingmen, dive in precise formation almost vertically toward the Death Star surface. INT: DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Darth Vader calmly adjusts his control stick as the stars zoom by. VADER: I'll take them myself! Cover me! WINGMAN'S VOICE: (over speaker) Yes, sir. EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Three TIE fighters zoom across the surface of the Death Star. INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Vader lines up Gold Two in his targeting computer. Vader's hands grip the control stick as he presses the button. INT. GOLD LEADER'S Y-WING -- COCKPIT The cockpit explodes around Gold Two. His head falls forward. EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR As Gold Two's ship explodes, debris is flung out into space. INT. GOLD LEADER'S Y-WING -- COCKPIT Gold Leader looks over his shoulder at the scene. EXT. DEATH STAR TRENCH The three TIE fighters race along in the trench in a tight formation. INT. GOLD LEADER'S Y-WING -- COCKPIT Gold Leader panics. GOLD LEADER: (into mike) I can't maneuver! INT. GOLD FIVE'S Y-WING -- COCKPIT Gold Five, the old veteran, trys to calm Gold Leader. GOLD FIVE: Stay on target. INT. GOLD LEADER'S Y-WING -- COCKPIT The Death Star races by outside the cockpit window as he adjusts his targeting device. GOLD LEADER: We're too close. INT. GOLD FIVE'S Y-WING -- COCKPIT The older pilot remains calm. GOLD FIVE: Stay on target! INT. GOLD LEADER'S Y-WING -- COCKPIT Now he's really panicked. GOLD LEADER: Loosen up! INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Vader calmly adjusts his targeting computer and pushes the fire button. INT. GOLD LEADER'S Y-WING -- COCKPIT Gold Leader's ship is hit by Vader's laser. EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Gold Leader explodes in a ball of flames, throwing debris in all directions. INT. GOLD FIVE'S Y-WING -- COCKPIT Gold Five moves in on the exhaust port. GOLD FIVE: Gold Five to Red Leader... RED LEADER: I copy, Gold Five. INT. GOLD FIVE'S Y-WING -- COCKPIT GOLD FIVE: They came from behind.... EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR One of the engines explodes on Gold Five's Y-wing fighter, blazing out of control. He dives past the horizon toward the Death Star's surface, passing a TIE fighter during his descent. Gold Five, a veteran of countless campaigns, spins toward his death. INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER -- COCKPIT Luke looks nervously about him at the explosive battle. INT. DEATH STAR -- CONTROL ROOM Grant Moff Tarkin and a Chief Officer stand in the Death Star's control room. OFFICER: We've analyzed their attack, sir, and there is a danger. Should I have your ship standing by? TARKIN: Evacuate? In out moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances! Tarkin turns to the computer readout screen. Flames move around the green disk at the center of the screen, as numbers read across the bottom. VOICE: (over speaker) Rebel base, three minutes and closing. INT. READ LEADER'S COCKPIT Red Leader looks over at his wingmen. RED LEADER: Red Group, this is Red Leader. INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST -- WAR ROOM Dodonna moves to the intercom as he fiddles with the computer keys. RED LEADER: (over speaker) Rendezvous at mark six point one. WEDGE: (over speaker) This is Red Two. Flying toward you. BIGGS: (over speaker) Red Three, standing by. INT. RED LEADER'S COCKPIT DODONNA: (over headset) Red Leader, this is Base One. Keep half your group out of range for the next run. INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER -- COCKPIT RED LEADER'S VOICE: (over headset) Copy, Base One. Luke, take Red Two and Three. Hold up here and wait for my start your run. Luke nods his head. EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR The X-wing fighters of Luke, Biggs, and Wedge fly in formation high above the Death Star's surface. INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER -- COCKPIT Luke peers out from his cockpit. EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Two X-wings move across the surface of the Death Star. Red Leader's X-wing drops down to the surface leading to the exhaust port. INT. RED LEADER'S COCKPIT Red Leader looks around to watch for the TIE fighters. He begins to perspire. RED LEADER: This is it! EXT. SPACE Red Leader roams down the trench of the Death Star as lasers streak across the black heavens. EXT. DEATH STAR SURFACE -- GUN EMPLACEMENTS A huge remote-control laser cannon fires at the approaching Rebel fighters. EXT. DEATH STAR TRENCH The Rebel fighters evade the Imperial laser blasts. INT. RED TEN'S COCKPIT Red Ten looks around for the Imperial fighters. RED TEN: We should be able to see it by now. EXT. DEATH STAR TRENCH From the cockpits of the Rebel pilots, the surface of the Death Star streaks by, with Imperial laserfire shooting toward them. INT. RED LEADER'S COCKPIT RED LEADER: Keep your eyes open for those fighters! INT. RED TEN'S COCKPIT RED TEN: There's too much interference! EXT. SPACE -- DEATH STAR TRENCH Three X-wing fighters move in formation down the Death Star trench. RED TEN'S VOICE: Red Five, can you see them from where you are? INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER -- COCKPIT Luke looks down at the Death Star surface below. LUKE: No sign of any...wait! INT. RED TEN'S COCKPIT Red Ten looks up and sees the Imperial fighters. LUKE: (over headset) Coming in point three five. RED TEN: I see them. EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Three TIE fighters, Vader flanked by two wingmen, dive in a tight formation. The sun reflects off their dominate solar fins as they loop toward the Death Star's surface. INT. RED LEADER'S COCKPIT Red Leader pulls his targeting device in front of his eyes and makes several adjustments. RED LEADER: I'm in range. EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Red Leader's X-wing moves up the Death Star trench. INT. RED LEADER'S COCKPIT RED LEADER: Target's coming up! Red Leader looks at his computer target readout screen. He then looks into his targeting device. RED LEADER: Just hold them off for a few seconds. INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Vader adjusts his control lever and dives on the X-wing fighters. VADER: Close up formation. EXT. DEATH STAR TRENCH The three TIE fighters move in formation across the Death Star surface. INT. RED LEADER'S COCKPIT Red Leader lines up his target on the targeting device cross hairs. EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Vader and his wingmen zoom down the trench. INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Vader rapidly approaches the two X-wings of Red Ten and Red Twelve. Vader's laser cannon flashes below the view of the front porthole. the X-wings show in the center of Vader's computer screen. EXT. SPACE Red Twelve's X-wing fighter is hit by Vader's laserfire, and it explodes into flames against the trench. INT. RED TEN'S COCKPIT. Red Ten works at his controls furiously, trying to avoid Vader's fighter behind him. RED TEN: You'd better let her loose. INT. RED LEADER'S COCKPIT Red Leader is concentrating on his targeting device. RED LEADER: Almost there! INT. RED TEN'S COCKPIT Red Ten panics. RED TEN: I can't hold them! EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Vader and his wingmen whip through the trench in pursuit of the Rebel fighters. INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Vader cooly pushes the fire button on his control stick. INT: RED TEN'S COCKPIT Darth Vader's well-aimed laserfire proves to be unavoidable, and strikes Red Ten's ship. Red Ten screams in anguish and pain. EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Red Ten's ship explodes and bursts into flames. INT. RED LEADER'S COCKPIT Grimly, Red Leader takes careful aim and watches his computer targeting device, which shows the target lined up in the cross hairs, and fires. INT. RED LEADER'S COCKPIT RED LEADER: It's away! INT. DEATH STAR An armed Imperial stormtrooper is knocked to the floor from the attack explosion. Other troopers scurrying about the corridors are knocked against the wall and lose their balance. INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST -- WAR ROOM Leia and the others stare at the computer screen. RED NINE'S VOICE: (over speaker) It's a hit! RED LEADER: (over speaker) Negative. INT. RED LEADER'S COCKPIT Red Leader looks back at the receding Death Star. Tiny explosions are visible in the distance. RED LEADER: Negative! It didn't go in. It just impacted on the surface. EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR -- TIE FIGHTER. Darth Vader peels off in pursuit as Red Leader's X-wing passes the Death Star horizon. INT: DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Vader swings his ship around for the next kill. INT. RED LEADER'S COCKPIT LUKE: (over headset) Red Leader, we're right above you. Turn to point... INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER -- COCKPIT Luke tries to spot Red Leader. He looks down at the Death Star surface. LUKE: ...oh-five; we'll cover for you. RED LEADER: (over headset) Stay there... INT. RED LEADER'S COCKPIT A wary Red Leader looks about nervously. RED LEADER: ...I just lost my starboard engine. INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER -- COCKPIT. Luke looks excitedly toward Red Leader's X-wing. RED LEADER: (over headset) Get set to make your attack run. INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Vader's gloved hands make contact with the control sticks, and he presses their firing buttons. INT. RED LEADER'S COCKPIT. Red Leader fights to gain control of his ship. EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR. Laserbolts are flung from Vader's TIE fighter, connecting with Red Leader's Rebel X-wing fighter. Red Leader buys it, creating a tremendous explosion far below. He screams and is destroyed. INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER -- COCKPIT. Luke looks out the window of his X-wing at the explosion far below. For the first time, he feels the helplessness of his situation. INT. DEATH STAR Grand Moff Tarkin casts a sinister eye at the computer screen. DEATH STAR INTERCOM VOICE: Rebel base, one minute and closing. INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST -- WAR ROOM Dodonna and Princess Leia, with Threepio beside them, listen intently to the talk between the pilots. The room is grim after Red Leader's death. Princess Leia nervously paces the room. LUKE: (over speaker) Biggs, Wedge, let's close it up. We're going in. We're going in full throttle. INT. WEDGE'S COCKPIT The horizon twists as Wedge begins to pull out. WEDGE: Right with you, boss. EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR The two X-wings peel off against a background of stars and dive toward the Death Star. INT. BIGGS' COCKPIT BIGGS: Luke, at that speed will you be able to pull out in time? INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER -- COCKPIT LUKE: It'll be just like Beggar's Canyon back home. EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR The three X-wings move in, unleashing a barrage of laserfire. Laserbolts are returned from the Death Star. INT. BIGGS' COCKPIT Luke's lifelong friend struggles with his controls. BIGGS: We'll stay back far enough to cover you. INT. LUKE'S COCKPIT Flak and laserbolts flash outside Luke's cockpit window. WEDGE: (over headset) My scope shows the tower, but I can't see the exhaust port! Are you sure the computer can hit it? EXT. DEATH STAR -- GUN EMPLACEMENTS The Death Star laser cannon slowly rotates as it shoots laserbolts. INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER -- COCKPIT Luke looks around for the Imperial TIE fighters. He thinks for a moment and then moves his targeting device into position. LUKE: Watch yourself! Increase speed full throttle! INT. WEDGE'S COCKPIT Wedge looks excitedly about for any sign of the TIE fighters. WEDGE: What about the tower? INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER -- COCKPIT. LUKE: You worry about those fighters! I'll worry about the tower! EXT. DEATH STAR SURFACE Luke's X-wing streaks through the trench, firing lasers INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER -- COCKPIT Luke breaks into a nervous sweat as the laserfire is returned, knicking one of his wings close to the engine. LUKE: (to Artoo) Artoo...that, that stabilizer's broken loose again! See if you can't lock it down! EXT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER Artoo works to repair the damages. The canyon wall rushes by in the background, making his delicate task seem even more precarious. EXT. DEATH STAR Two laser cannons are firing on the Rebel fighters. INT. WEDGE'S COCKPIT Wedge looks up and sees the TIE ships. INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER -- COCKPIT Luke's targeting device marks off the distance to the target. EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Vader and his wingmen zoom closer. INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Vader adjusts his controls and fires laserbolts at two X-wings flying down the trench. He scores a direct hit on Wedge. INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST -- WAR ROOM Leia and the others are grouped around the computer board. WEDGE: (over speaker) I'm hit! I can't stay with you. LUKE: (over speaker) Get clear, Wedge. INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER -- COCKPIT LUKE: You can't do any more good back there! INT. WEDGE'S COCKPIT WEDGE: Sorry! EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Wedge pulls his crippled X-wing back away from the battle. INT DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Vader watches the escape but issues a command to his wingmen. VADER: Let him go! Stay on the leader! EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Luke's X-wing speeds down the trench; the three TIE fighters, still in perfect unbroken formation, tail close behind. INT. BIGGS' COCKPIT Biggs looks around at the TIE fighters. He is worried. BIGGS: Hurry, Luke, they're coming in much faster this time. I can't hold them! EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR The three TIE fighters move ever closer, closing in on Luke and Biggs. INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER -- COCKPIT Luke looks back anxiously at little Artoo. LUKE: Artoo, try and increase the power! EXT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER Ignoring the bumpy ride, flak, and lasers, a beeping Artoo-Detoo struggles to increase the power, his dome turning from side to side. EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Stealthily, the TIE formation creeps closer. INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Vader adjusts his control stick. INT. BIGGS' COCKPIT Biggs looks around at the TIE fighters. INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER Luke looks into his targeting device. He moves it away for a moment and ponders its use. He looks back into the computer targeter. BIGGS: (over headset) Hurry up, Luke! EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Vader and his wingmen race through the Death Star trench. Biggs moves in to cover for Luke, but Vader gains on him. INT. BIGGS' COCKPIT Biggs sees the TIE fighter aiming at him. BIGGS: Wait! INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Vader squeezes the fire button on his controls. INT. BIGGS' COCKPIT Biggs' cockpit explodes around him, lighting him in red. EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Biggs' ship bursts into a million flaming bits and scatters across the surface. INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST -- WAR ROOM Leia and the others stare at the computer board. INT. LUKE'S X-WING COCKPIT Luke is stunned by Biggs' death. His eyes are watering, but his anger is also growing. INT. DEATH STAR -- CONTROL ROOM. Grand Moff Tarkin watches the projected target screen with satisfaction. DEATH STAR INTERCOM VOICE: Rebel base, thirty seconds and closing. INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Vader takes aim on Luke and talks to the wingmen. VADER: I'm on the leader. EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR -- LUKE'S SHIP Luke's ship streaks through the trench of the Death Star. INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST -- WAR ROOM. Princess Leia returns her general's worried and doubtful glances with solid, grim determination. Threepio seems nervous. THREEPIO: Hang on, Artoo! INT. LUKE'S X-WING -- COCKPIT Luke concentrates on his targeting device. EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Three TIE fighters charge away down the trench toward Luke. INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Vader's finger's curls around the control stick. INT. LUKE'S X-WING -- COCKPIT Luke adjusts the lens of his targeting device. EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Luke's ship charges down the trench. INT. LUKE'S X-WING -- COCKPIT Luke lines up the yellow cross-hair lines of the targeting device's screen. He looks into the targeting device, then starts at a voice he hears. BEN'S VOICE: Use the Force, Luke. EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR The Death Star trench zooms by. INT.LUKE'S X-WING -- COCKPIT Luke looks up, then starts to look back into the targeting device. He has second thoughts. BEN'S VOICE: Let go, Luke. A grim determination sweeps across Luke's face as he closes his eyes and starts to mumble Ben's training to himself. EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Luke's fighter streaks through the trench. INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT VADER: The Force is strong with this one! EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Vader follows Luke's X-wing down the trench. INT. LUKE'S X-WING -- COCKPIT Luke looks to the targeting device, then away as he hears Ben's voice. BEN'S VOICE: Luke, trust me. Luke's hand reaches for the control panel and presses the button. The targeting device moves away. INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST -- WAR ROOM Leia and the others stand watching the projected screen. BASE VOICE: (over speaker) His computer's off. Luke, you switched off your targeting computer. What's wrong? LUKE: (over speaker) Nothing. I'm all right. EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Luke's ship streaks ever close to the exhaust port. INT. LUKE'S X-WING -- COCKPIT Luke looks at the Death Star surface streaking by. EXT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER Artoo-Detoo turns his head from side to side, beeping in anticipation. EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR The three TIE fighters, manned by Vader and his two wingmen, follow Luke's X-wing down the trench. INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Vader maneuvers his controls as he looks at his doomed target. He presses the fire buttons on his control sticks. Laserfire shoots toward Luke's X-wing fighter. EXT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER A large burst of Vader's laserfire engulfs Artoo. The arms go limp on the smoking little droid as he makes a high-pitched sound. INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER -- COCKPIT Luke looks frantically back over his shoulder at Artoo. EXT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER Smoke billows out around little Artoo and sparks begin to fly. LUKE: I've lost Artoo! Artoo's beeping sounds die out. INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST -- WAR ROOM Leia and the others stare intently at the projected screen, while Threepio watches the Princess. Lights representing the Death Star and targets glow brightly. MASSASSI INTERCOM VOICE: The Death Star has cleared the planet. The Death Star has cleared the planet. INT. DEATH STAR -- CONTROL ROOM Tarkin glares at the projected target screen. DEATH STAR INTERCOM VOICE: Rebel base, in range. TARKIN: You may fire when ready. DEATH STAR INTERCOM VOICE: Commence primary ignition. An officer reaches up and pushes buttons on the control panel, as green lighted buttons turn to red. EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR The three TIE fighters zoom down the Death Star trench in pursuit of Luke, never breaking formation. INT. LUKE'S COCKPIT Luke looks anxiously at the exhaust port. INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Vader adjusts his control sticks, checking his projected targeting screen. EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Luke's ship barrels down the trench. INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Vader's targeting computer swings around into position. Vader takes careful aim on Luke's X-wing fighter. VADER: I have you now. He pushes the fire buttons. EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR The three TIE fighters move in on Luke. As Vader's center fighter unleashes a volley of laserfire, one of the TIE ships at his side is hit and explodes into flame. The two remaining ships continue to move in. INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER -- COCKPIT Luke looks about, wondering whose laserfire destroyed Vader's wingman. INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Vader is taken by surprise, and looks out from his cockpit. VADER: What? INT. DARTH VADER'S WINGMAN -- COCKPIT Vader's wingman searches around him trying to locate the unknown attacker. INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON -- COCKPIT Han and Chewbacca grin from ear to ear. HAN: (yelling) Yahoo! EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR The Millennium Falcon heads right at the two TIE fighters. It's a collision course. INT. WINGMAN'S COCKPIT The wingman spots the pirateship coming at him and warns the Dark Lord. WINGMAN: Look out! EXT. DEATH STAR TRENCH Vader's wingman panics at the sight of the oncoming pirate starship and veers radically to one side, colliding with Vader's TIE fighter in the process. Vader's wingman crashes into the side wall of the trench and explodes. Vader's damaged ship spins out of the trench with a damaged wing. EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Vader's ship spins out of control with a bent solar fin, heading for deep space. INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Vader turns round and round in circles as his ship spins into space. EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Solo's ship moves in toward the Death Star trench. INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON -- COCKPIT Solo, smiling, speaks to Luke over his headset mike. HAN: (into mike) You're all clear, kid. INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST -- WAR ROOM Leia and the others listen to Solo's transmission. HAN: (over speaker) Now let's blow this thing and go home! INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER -- COCKPIT Luke looks up and smiles. He concentrates on the exhaust port, then fires his laser torpedoes. EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR. Luke's torpedoes shoot toward the port and seems to simply disappear into the surface and not explode. But the shots do find their mark and have gone into the exhaust port and are heading for the main reactor. INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER -- COCKPIT. Luke throws his head back in relief. INT. DEATH STAR An Imperial soldier runs to the control panel board and pulls the attack lever as the board behind him lights up. INTERCOM VOICE: Stand by to fire at Rebel base. EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Two X-wings, a Y-wing, and the pirateship race toward Yavin in the distance. INT. DEATH STAR Several Imperial soldiers, flanking a pensive Grand Moff Tarkin, busily push control levers and buttons. INTERCOM VOICE: Standing by. The rumble of a distant explosion begins. EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR. The Rebel ships race out of sight, leaving the moon-like Death Star alone against a blanket of stars. Several small flashes appear on the surface. The Death Star bursts into a supernova, creating a spectacular heavenly display. INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON -- COCKPIT HAN: Great shot, kid. That was one in a million. INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER -- COCKPIT Luke is at ease, and his eyes are closed. BEN'S VOICE: Remember, the Force will be with you...always. The ship rocks back and forth. EXT. DARTH VADER'S TIE FIGHTER Vader's ship spins off into space. EXT. SPACE The Rebel ships race toward the fourth moon of Yavin. INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST -- MAIN HANGAR. Luke climbs out of his starship fighter and is cheered by a throng of ground crew and pilots. Luke climbs down the ladder as they all welcome him with laughter, cheers, and shouting. Princess Leia rushes toward him. LEIA: Luke! Luke! Luke! She throws her arms around Luke and hugs him as they dance around in a circle. Solo runs in toward Luke and they embrace one another, slapping each other on the back. HAN: (laughing) Hey! Hey! LUKE: (laughing) I knew you'd come back! I just knew it! HAN: Well, I wasn't gonna let you get all the credit and take all the reward. Luke and Han look at one another, as Solo playfully shoves at Luke's face. Leia moves in between them. LEIA: (laughing) Hey, I knew there was more to you than money. Luke looks toward the ship. LUKE: Oh, no! The fried little Artoo-Detoo is lifted off the back of the fighter and carried off under the worried eyes of Threepio. THREEPIO: Oh, my! Artoo! Can you hear me? Say something! (to mechanic) You can repair him, can't you? TECHNICIAN: We'll get to work on him right away. THREEPIO: You must repair him! Sir, if any of my circuits or gears will help, I'll gladly donate them. LUKE: He'll be all right. INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST -- MAIN THRONE ROOM Luke, Han, and Chewbacca enter the huge ruins of the main temple. Hundreds of troops are lined up in neat rows. Banners are flying and at the far end stands a vision in white, the beautiful young Senator Leia. Luke and the others solemnly march up the long aisle and kneel before Senator Leia. From one side of the temple marches a shined-up and fully repaired Artoo-Detoo. He waddles up to the group and stands next to an equally pristine Threepio, who is rather awestruck by the whole event. Chewbacca is confused. Dodonna and several other dignitaries sit on the left of the Princess Leia. Leia is dressed in a long white dress and is staggeringly beautiful. She rises and places a gold medallion around Han's neck. He winks at her. She then repeats the ceremony with Luke, who is moved by the event. They turn and face the assembled troops, who all bow before them. Chewbacca growls and Artoo beeps with happiness. FADE OUT END CREDITS OVER STARS THE END

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