College Humor - Poke Rap - Tekst piosenki, lyrics -



Tekst piosenki
I wanna be the best there ever was To beat all the rest, yeah that's my cause! Electrode, Diglett, Nidoran, Mankey Venusaur, Rattatta, Fearow, Pidgey Seaking, Jolteon, Dragonite, Gastly Ponyta, Vaporeon, Poliwrath, Butterfree! You knew that part but now there's more! With all new games! New Pokemon to explore! Gengar, Vullaby, Raticate, Toxicroak Armaldo, Vileplume, Skitty, Seismetoad Combusken, Snorlax, Millotic, Togepi Crustle, Gogoat, Luxio, Volbeat! Metang, Herdier, Farfethch'd, Slowpoke Solrock, Gothitelle, Minun, Tympole Deerling, Aegislash, Sandslash,Steelix Graveler, Oshawott, Camerupt, Swirlix! Gotta catch 'em all Pokemon! Ledyba, Sawsbuck, Shellos, Gabite Foongus, Duskull,Gulpin, Vannilite Espeon, Makuhita, Throh, Mewtwo Cleffa, Larvesta, Moltres, Pumpkaboo! Emolga, Lotad, Haunter, Sewaddle Paras, Magneton, Duosion, Weepinbell Porygon-Z, Litleo, Flabebe, Articuno Lanturn,Munchlax, Badculin, Pidgeotto! Phew...that was a lot! How many to go? 638! Wait..what?....nononono! Galvantula, Staryu, Lopunny, Breloom Electabuzz, Luvdisc, Magmortar, Skiploom Wurmple, Avalugg, Piplup, Scyther Rhyperior, Tyranitar, Lairon, Pyroar! Azumaril, Zekrom, Hippopootas, Glaceon Straptor, Giratina, Yamask, Flygon Lickylicky, Pancham, Mantyke, Pidgeot Palkia, Wooper, Gallade, Pawniard! Gotta catch 'em all Gotta catch 'em all Gotta catch 'em all Gotta catch 'em all Do we? Yes! Fletchinder, Croconaw, Durant, Cherim Mew, Amaura, Ursaring, Elgyem Clempearl, Magikarp, Chatot, Aurorus Pidove, Ludicolo, Darkrai, Nosepass! Cranidos, Kyogre, Inkay, Magnezone Shuppet, Walrein, Delcatty, Gyarados! Ralts, Latias, Chandelure, Torchic! Wormadam, Abra, Venomoth, Joltik! For real throat's getting sore. I need a rest No rest for the best! Best..ugh...i get it. fine... Sunkern, Wingull, Cyndaquill, Timburr Karrablast, Frillish, Keldeo, Serperior Starmie, Bellossom, Rufflet, Sharpedo Florges, Mienfoo, Weavile, Lunatone Phanpy,Vibrava, Flareon, Bulbasaur! Cincinno, Swanna, Pinsir, Omastar! Excadrill, Umbreon, Victini, Relicanth Chingling, Gliscor, Vanilish, Liligant These are all seriously Pokemon! Bronzor, Spearow, Kakuna, Castform Smeargle, Donphan, Porygon 2, Heatmore Kekleon, Spewpa, Meowstick, Wobbofett Spritzee, Grumpig, Onix, Stoutland! Abomasnow, Electivire, Aerodactyl, Solosis Aron, Mawile, Riolu, Lapras Dunsparce, Vivillion, Ho-Oh, Quilava Bunnelby, Exegecute, Shelmet, Kingdra! Can i at LEAST get a snack? My blood sugar's low... We paid you to sing not to stuff your hole! Quilfish, Skorupi, Burmy, Trubbish Metagross, Accelgor, Liepard, Corphish Shiftry, Illumise, Kriketot, Tepig Glameow, Buneary, Buizel, Togekiss Simipour, Groudon, Marill, Golbat Mime Jr., Zweilous, Spinda, Ninjask! Misdreavus, Charmeleon, Regigigas, Weezing! Chinchou, Aromatisse, Gothita, Nidoking! Can never have too many Pokemon! Ugh... Corsola, Shinx, Zorua, Xatu Conkeldurr, Rayquaza, Golduck, Tentacool Jellicent, Dragalgea, Murkrow, Lileep Unfeazent, Wailmer, Monferno, Eevee Ambipom, Lombre, Grotle, Mantine Charmander, Alakazam, Azurill, Ferroseed Loudred, Electrike, Spiritomb, Electross Seel, Clefairy, Driftblim, Delphox Gotta catch 'em all Gotta catch 'em all Gotta catch 'em all Gotta catch 'em all But..i have a life! Leave it! Volcarona, Vulpix, Hariyama, Reshiram Gloom, Malimar, Psyduck, Golem Sneasle, Simisage, Roggenrola, Blastoise Tynamo, Lampent, Klefki, Purrloin Skuntank, Tailow, Braxien, Yanma Dragonair, Machamp, Cacnea, Dialga Dirfloon, Marowak, Stantler, Mudkip Panpour, Mienshao, Primeape, Fenniken Not even half way through! Pokemon! Squirtle, Tyrogue, Yveltal, Bidoof Feraligatr, Cacturne, Beartic, Sliggoo Clefable, Nincada, Stunfisk, Mareep Ampharos, Magcargo, Caterpie, Slaking Probopass, Mr. Mime, Drapion, Folatzel Absol, Jumpluff, Torterra, Victrebel Axew, Pansear, Doublade, Nidoqueen Darumaka, Shroomish, Kirlia, Koffing! Hey! Oh thank god! Am i done? Nope! Just dropping off the next list! NO! PLEASE! Hypno, Quagsire, Treeko, Horsea Bagon, Linoone, Phione, Bayleaf Sudowoodo, Crogunk, Houndoom, Seadra Hitmonlee, Mightyena, Dedenne, Creselia Darmanitan, Empoleon, Cubone, Hippowdon Rapidash, Diggersby, Arcanine, Hydreigon Carracoasta, Tentacruel, Reuniclus, Garchomp Typholsion, Carvanah, Dwebble, Machop! Gotta catch 'em all Gotta catch 'em all Gotta catch 'em all Gotta catch 'em all Klingklang, Furfrou, Aggron, Mesprit Glalie, Krookodyle, Fraxure, Archen Greninja, Phantump, Blaziken, Scizor Helioptile, Samurott, Slakoth, Clawitzer Meganium, Dratini, Bastiodon, Arceus Seviper, Manaphy, Shellder, Goreybyss Claydol, Arbok, Starly, Charizard Scolipede, Cascoon, Gible, Gardevioir! THATS IT! NO MORE! Dont you wanna be the very best? NO Well the doors are locked so you best finish! Salamence, Pichu, Altaria, Clauncher Swinub, Ninetales, Slugma, Whismur Jigglypuff, Chimchar, Braviary, Nuzleaf Jynx, Tornadus, Chickorita, Stunky Musharna, Kabutops, Meloetta, Houndour Wartortle, Dusknoir, Shedinja, Emboar Zangoose, Froslass, Nidoran, Zubat Natu, Zorua, Swellow, Noibat!! Peole know im here! Just keep on rapping no one's coming for you! Seedot, Omanyte, Budew, Anorith Thunderus, Frogadier, Krabby, Togetic Coballion, Bouffalaunt, Patrat, Surskit Kabuto, Scatterbug, Pansage, Litwik Crawdaunt, Grimer, Mismagius, Whirlepede Kriketune, Sableye, Miltank, Goldeen Skarmory, Heatran, Dustox, Metapod Roselia, Drilbur, Chespin, Marshtomp Who..are you? It's no use you're caught like we're gonna catch em all Pokemon! Jirachi,.Alomamola, Beedrill, Parasect Spoink, Ledian, Ditto, Sentret Turtwig, Teddiursa, Slowking, Snover Sawk, Tortouga, Tauros, Garbodor Meowth, Spheal, Mincinno, Scraggy Lilipup, Woobat, Zigzagoon, Flaffy Girafarig, Whimsicott, Dodrio, Poliwag! Igglypuff, Happiny, Swablu, Swoobat! [cough] Sceptile, Swadloon, Bannette, Ferrothorn Hoppip, Octillery, Slurpuff, Noivern Exploud, Hoothoot, Infernape, Shuckle Archeops, Plusle, Genesect, Weedle Snubbull, Ekans, Dodrio, Porygon Granbull, Latios, Golurk, Rhyhorn Purugly, Spinarak, Swalot, Swampert Cherubi, Roserade, Yanmega, Pelliper! Liste, i have to uh..pick up my son from soccer practice. he needs me We have your son too! NO! Dont hurt him! I'll play your game Binacle, Tangrowth, Stravaia, Silcoon Landorus, Larvitar, Vespiquen, Pikachu Venonat, Carbink, Ducklett, Beldum Tropius, Zebstrika, Drowzee, Smoochum Sigilyph, Cloyster, Regice, Goodra Pacharisu, Floette, Remoraid, Hawlucha Muuna, Magby, Growlithe, Pignite Furret, Bisharp, Simisear, Burgmite Gotta catch 'em all Gotta catch 'em all Gotta catch 'em all Gotta catch 'em all You won't get away with this! We already have! Gigalith, Medicham, Leavanny, Shaymin Vaniluxxe, Unown, Sandile, Kyurem Aipom, Beeheyem, Trevenant, Dewgong Palpitode, Bibarel, Deoxys, Watchog! Barbroach, Eelektirk, Scrafty, Kadabra Chesnaught, Raichu, Gurdurr, Gothorita Cryoginal, Politoad, Baltoy, Venipede Doduo, Haxorus, Exeggutor, Combee! Water..please.... Water is a type of Pokemon! Goomy, Rhydon, Likitongue, Cottonee Magmar, Klang, Nidorina, Blissey Xernias, Torkoal, Trapinch, Shelgon Tranquill, Espurr, Sealeo, Lumineon Cubchoo, Deino, Krokorok, Meditite Registeel, Pangoro, Wigglytuff, Celebi Noctowl, Escavilier, Prinplup, Virizion Piloswine, Wynaut, Quallidin, Sylveon How you holding up? Not good...i.. I dont care! Pineco, Grovyle, Barbanacle, Slowbro Cradily, Tyrantrum, Wailord, Skiddo Whiscash, Suicune, Regirock, Azelf Kangashkhan, Audino, Entei, Bellsprout Druddigon, Ariados, Manectric, Froakie Maractus, Rotom, Chimecho, Bonsly Shieldon, Petilil, Honchkrow, Helioisk Chansey, Mamoswine, Mothin, Foretress Gotta catch 'em all Gotta catch 'em all Gotta catch 'em all Gotta catch 'em all Ugh... Sandshrew, Huntail Mandibuzz, Bronzong Cofagrigus, Zapdos, Delibird, Snorunt Numel, Finneon, Tangela, Poliwhirl Dusclops, Dewott, Gourgeist, Ivysaur Zygarde, Magnemite, Boldore, Snivy Gollet, Lucario, Oddish, Luxray Fletchling, Lugia, Klink, Carnavine Gligar, Crobat, Gastrodon, Beautifly Thats more... Dont you love your son? Daddy he's got a gun! I'll KILL YOU YOU SOCIOPATH Nidorino, Voltorb, Talonflame, Amoongus Hitmontop, Poochyena, Persian, Heracross Vigoroth, Totodyle, Sunflora, Raikou Pupitar, Feebass, Elekid, Geodude Machoke, Tyrunt, Masquerain, Leafeon Servine, Rampardos, Blitzle, Hitmonchan Skrelp, Uxie, Kingler, Muk Honedge, Terrakion.. THATS THEM ALL I'M DONE Did you remember to say both Nidorans/ Yes..male and female.. All right! Sounds good! Now let's go for take 2! NOOOOOOOOOOOO Gotta catch 'em all Pokemon!

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