Christopher Nolan - Inception: Level 2 - Tekst piosenki, lyrics -

Inception: Level 2

Christopher Nolan




Tekst piosenki
CUT TO: INT. HOTEL LOBBY BAR - SUNSET Fischer nurses a drink. Staring at the ice cracking. BLONDE (O.S.): Am I boring you? Fischer looks up. A beautiful BLONDE is next to him. BLONDE (CONT’D): I was telling you my story. I guess it wasn’t to your liking. FISCHER: I have a lot on my mind. Fischer looks around the bar. There are several STERN-LOOKING CHARACTERS paying him too much attention. INT. HOTEL LOBBY - CONTINUOUS Arthur and Ariadne sit at a table across the lobby. They spot Cobb moving across the lobby towards Fischer. ARTHUR: And there goes Mr. Charles. ARIADNE: Who or what, exactly, is Mr. Charles? ARTHUR: It’s a gambit designed to turn Fischer against his own subconscious. INT. HOTEL LOBBY BAR - CONTINUOUS Cobb approaches the bar, watched closely by Fischer’s Sub- security. COBB: Mr. Fishcer! Good to see you again. Rod Green, Marketing. (to Blonde) And you must be... BLONDE: Leaving. She presses against Fischer as she slides off her stool and deposits a cocktail napkin in front of him. BLONDE (CONT’D): In case you get bored. Cobb watches her walk away. The Sub-security FOLLOWS her. COBB: I think you just got blown off...unless her phone number really does have only six digits. Fischer glances at the napkin: “528-491.” INT. HOTEL LOBBY - CONTINUOUS Arthur watches the Sub-security follow the Blonde. ARIADNE: And why don’t you approve? ARTHUR: Because it involves telling the mark that he’s dreaming. Which involves attracting a lot of attention to us. ARIADNE: Didn’t Cobb say never to do that? ARTHUR: You must’ve noticed by now how much time Cobb spends doing things he says never to do. INT. HOTEL LOBBY BAR - CONTINUOUS Cobb turns to Fischer. COBB: Strange way to make friends. (off look) Lifting your wallet, I mean. Fischer pats his pocket. Empty. He looks to the lobby where he sees the Sub-security trailing the Blonde. FISCHER: Goddamn it. The wallet alone’s worth- COBB: Five hundred bucks. I know. Don’t worry, my guys are on it. FISCHER: Who did you say you were? Fischer looks at him, curious. Cobb plows on, confident- COBB: I said I was Rod Green from Marketing-but I’m not. My name is Mr. Charles. I might seem familiar to you. I’m in charge of your security here. INT. HOTEL LOBBY - CONTINUOUS The Blonde hurries up to Saito, emerging from the elevator- BLONDE: Mr. Saito, can I have a minute? She pushes him back into the elevator, closing the door as the Sub-security approaches... INT. ELEVATOR - CONTINUOUS The Blonde fondles Saito’s lapels, getting close. SAITO: I’m sorry, but... Saito glances over her shoulder to see, in the tunnel of infinite reflections created by the elevator’s opposing mirrors, three reflections in, THE BLONDE IS EAMES. He winks. SAITO (CONT’D) (pushing him away): Very amusing, Mr. Eames. EAMES: You look a bit perkier. A SHUDDER ripples through the elevator. SAITO: Turbulence on the plane. EAMES: Feels closer. That’s Yusuf’s driving. And we- CUT TO: INT./EXT. VAN ON RAINY DOWNTOWN STREETS - DAY Yusuf FIGHTS the wheel as the van CUTS DOWN AN ALLEY, BUMPING OVER POTHOLES and SMASHING TRASH CANS aside- THREE S.U.V.s IN FURIOUS PURSUIT. Yusuf looks in the rear view mirror, FRUSTRATED. He checks his WATCH, then checks the back: the SLEEPERS SHAKE with the impact and we- CUT TO: INT. HOTEL LOBBY BAR - NIGHT As a TREMOR echoes through the bar Fischer looks at Cobb trying to place him. FISCHER: Security? You work for the hotel? COBB: No. My specialty is subconscious security. FISCHER: You’re talking about dreams. You’re talking about extraction. COBB: Exactly. My job is to protect you... Behind Fischer a WAITER puts down a tray- tipping a champagne glass over- SMASH- Cobb NOTICES. Pauses, looks across the bar- HIS TWO CHILDREN ARE CROUCHED, BACKS TOWARDS US... Cobb looks around the bar, the patrons start to STARE at Cobb, suspicious- Cobb shifts back to Fischer- COBB (CONT’D): My job is to protect you from any attempt to access your mind through your dreams. Cobb regains his patter- the patrons lose interest... INT. ELEVATOR - CONTINUOUS Eames pulls out Fischer’s wallet, moves to hand it to Saito, then PAUSES, opens it, leafs past the cast to find... The SNAPSHOT: young Robert holding his HOMEMADE PINWHEEL, his father blowing on it. The elevator doors open and Eames steps off. HANDS Saito the wallet. EAMES: Get off at a different floor and keep moving. Dump the wallet, then meet me in the lobby. The security will try to track it down. We need to buy Cobb a little more time. The doors close. Saito puts the wallet in his pocket. He COUGHS- a deep, nasty cough. INT. HOTEL LOBBY BAR - CONTINUOUS Cobb looks over Fischer’s shoulder to see a SUITED MAN watching him. Another MAN is walking in from the lobby. COBB: You’re not safe here. Cobb steps away from the bar. Fischer does not move. COBB (CONT’D): Trust me. They’re coming for you. Fischer sizes him up, A CLAP OF THUNDER ECHOES, and we- CUT TO: INT./EXT. VAN ON RAINY DOWNTOWN STREETS - DAY GUNSHOTS BLAST out the rear and side windows of the van- a Security Man is leaning out of the lead S.U.V. With a SHOTGUN- WIND AND RAIN RIP THROUGH THE VAN- in the back, ARTHUR’S SLEEPING FACE IS WHIPPED BY THE SPRAY, AND WE- CUT TO: INT. HOTEL LOBBY BAR - SUNSET Fischer looks out the windows at sudden, HURRICANE-LIKE RAIN- COBB: Strange weather, huh? A TREMOR runs through the bar- Cobb looks around- COBB (CONT’D): You feel that? INT. HOTEL LOBBY - CONTINUOUS Ariadne and Arthur watch the GUSTS OF WIND RATTLE the windows. Arthur sees HOTEL GUESTS staring out at the weather, PUZZLED. Several of them TURN TO LOOK DIRECTLY AT ARTHUR. ARIADNE: What’s happening? ARTHUR: Cobb’s drawing Fischer’s attention to the strangeness of the dream. That’s making his subconscious look for the dreamer. For me. And we- CUT TO: INT./EXT. VAN ON RAINY STREETS - DAY At the end of the alley- Yusuf THROWS the van into a HARD RIGHT TURN- we move into EXTREME SLOW MOTION... THE SLEEPERS IN THE BACK ARE DRAWN TO ONE SIDE OF THE VAN BY THE CENTRIFUGAL FORCE... and we- CUT TO: INT. HOTEL LOBBY BAR - CONTINUOUS The liquid in Fischer’s drink RISES UP AGAINST ONE SIDE OF THE GLASS- Fischer notices, confused. COBB: Very odd-the weather, the gravity... Fischer looks around the bar- it’s as if THE ENTIRE ROOM IS SET AT A 45-DEGREE ANGLE- glasses SLIDING off tables... COBB (CONT’D): But I can explain all this. You’ve actually been trained for this. (Fischer nods) Think of the strangeness of the weather, the shifts in gravity. None of this is real...(beat) We’re in a dream. Fischer looks at the room around them. Back to Cobb. All through the bar, patrons turn to look at Cobb IN UNISON. COBB (CONT’D): The simplest test of what I’m saying is for you to try and remember anything about the way you arrived in this hotel... okay? Fischer stares at Cobb, trying to process this. All around them, people STARE at Cobb. Several get up as if to approach. COBB (CONT’D) Breathe. Remember the training. Accept the fact that we’re in a dream. That’s why I’m here protecting you. As Fischer considers this we- CUT TO: INT./EXT. VAN ON RAINY STREETS - DAY Yusuf STRAIGHTENS UP the van, RACING down the street, swerving through traffic and we- CUT TO: INT. HOTEL LOBBY BAR - EVENING The building gradually EASES BACK INTO ALIGNMENT- FISCHER: So you... you’re not real? The bar patrons start to ignore Cobb again. COBB: No. I’m a projection of your subconscious. I was put in place to protect you in the event that extractors pulled you into a dream. I believe that’s what has happened. Fischer takes this in. Then looks at the Security Men approaching across the crooked floor, he nods at Cobb- INT. HOTEL LOBBY - EVENING Cobb escorts Fischer across the lobby. As he does so, he walks past the two CHILDREN, backs to us- Cobb ignores them- The two Sub-security fall in behind. Cobb hurries Fischer up the stairs- then PUSHES him into- INT. HOTEL LOBBY BATHROOM - CONTINUOUS Fischer stumbles in- turns to Cobb, angry- FISCHER: Hey- Cobb reaches into his jacket- the First Man BURSTS in- Cobb KICKS him to the ground- DRAWS his gun as the SECOND MAN comes through the door, moving towards Fischer-BLAM! Cobb BLASTS the Second Man in the back- TURNS and SHOOTS the First Man. FISCHER (CONT’D): Jesus Christ! What are you doing?! Cobb turns to Fischer, calm. Convincing. COBB: Look at the gun in his hand. Fischer looks: the Second Man was holding a pistol. Cobb opens the First Man’s jacket to show Fischer his holster and sidearm. COBB (CONT’D): These men were sent to abduct you. Cobb pulls out the gun and HANDS it to Fischer. COBB (CONT’D): If I’m going to help you, I need you to be calm. Fischer remembers something. FISCHER: If this is a dream, I have to kill myself and wake up- Fischer raises the gun towards his head- COBB: I wouldn’t do that-they’ve probably got you sedated. If you pull that trigger, you might not wake up, you might drop into a lower dream state. Mr. Fischer, you know all this, you just have to remember it... Fischer lowers his gun. INT. HOTEL CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS Saito walks down the corridor, followed by a Security Man. Saito DUCKS around the corner, moves to a GARBAGE CHUTE and DROPS Fischer’s WALLET into it. He SLIPS into the stairwell as the Security Man comes abreast of the chute and pauses. INT. HOTEL CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS Arthur leads Ariadne to a particular room: 491. INT. ROOM 491 - CONTINUOUS Arthur leads Ariadne in. He opens the closet, opens the room safe, pulls our FOUR BRICKS OF PLASTIC EXPLOSIVE. ARTHUR: So, if everything’s correct, this room should be directly below 528. INT. HOTEL LOBBY BATHROOM - CONTINUOUS Cobb looks reassuringly at Fischer. COBB: What do you remember from before this dream? FISCHER (thinking): Rain... gunfire... Uncle Peter. (looks up) Christ-we’ve been kidnapped. COBB: Where were they holding you? FISCHER: They had us... in the back of a van... COBB: Your body’s bouncing around in the back of a van right now-that explains the gravity shifts. FISCHER: It was... to do with a safe... Christ, why’s it so hard to remember? COBB: It’s like trying to remember a dream after you’ve woken up. It takes years of practice to do it easily. So, you and Browning have been pulled into this dream so they can steal something from your mind. What? FISCHER: They wanted a combination to a safe... they demanded the first numbers to pop into my head. COBB: That’s them extracting a locator. FISCHER: A locator? COBB: A number from your own subconscious. It can be used any number of ways...(thinking) This is a hotel. Room numbers. What was the number you gave them? FISCHER: 5, 2... something... it was a long number. 528... 528, 4 something. COBB (opens phone): Well, we know where to start. (into phone) Fifth floor. INT. ROOM 491 - CONTINUOUS Arthur hangs up the phone. He is standing on a chair, attaching the explosives to the ceiling. ARIADNE: Do you use a timer? ARTHUR: No, I have to judge it myself. Once you’re all asleep up in room 528, I wait ‘til Yusuf starts his kick... ARIADNE: How will you know? ARTHUR: His music warns me it’s coming, then the van hitting the barrier of the bridge should be unmistakable- that’s when I blow the floor out from underneath us and we get a nice synchronized kick. Too soon, and we won’t get pulled out; too late and I won’t be able to drop us. ARIADNE: Why not? ARTHUR: The van will be in free fall. I can’t drop us with no gravity. Arthur finishes setting the charges. INT. HOTEL LOBBY - CONTINUOUS Saito moves through the lobby. Browning is coming in the other direction. Saito assumes him to be Eames. SAITO: I see you’ve changed. BROWNING: I’m sorry? Eames comes up behind Browning, catching Saito’s eye. SAITO: I’m... I mistook you for a friend. BROWNING: Good-looking fellow, I’m sure. Browning moves off. Saito approaches Eames. EAMES: That’s Fischer’s projection of Browning. We’ll keep an eye on how he behaves- SAITO: Why? EAMES: How he acts will tell us if Fischer’s starting to suspect his motives the way we want him to. INT. HOTEL CORRIDOR, FIFTH FLOOR - MOMENTS LATER Cobb leads Fischer around a corner. Arthur and Ariadne are waiting in the corridor. COBB: They work for me. Fischer starts looking at room numbers. Stops at 528. Cobb draws his gun, steps back from the door and KICKS it open. INT. ROOM 528 - CONTINUOUS Cobb JUMPS into the room, gun up. The room is empty. Arthur and Ariadne search the room. Saito and Eames arrive. Eames shuts the door. Arthur FINDS something- ARTHUR: Mr. Charles! Arthur holds up a MECHANISM CASE. Cobb shows it to Fischer. COBB: You know what this is? Fischer’s eyes roam over the dials and plungers. FISCHER: I think so. But I don’t understand. COBB: They were going to put you under. FISCHER: I’m already under. COBB: Under again. FISCHER: A dream within a dream? ARTHUR: Shhhh! Arthur is at the door. Someone is there. A key goes into the lock- the door starts to open- Arthur REACHES OVER and GRABS the person entering, THROWS THEM TO THE FLOOR- puts his gun in their face. IT IS BROWNING. Fischer stares, disbelieving, at his own godfather. FISCHER: Uncle Peter. What’s going on? Cobb pulls the key from Browning’s hand: ROOM 528. COBB: You said you were kidnapped together? FISCHER: Not exactly, they already had him. They’d been torturing him... COBB: You saw them torture him? Fischer shakes his head. Looks at Browning. Thinking. FISCHER: The kidnappers are working for you. BROWNING: No, Robert- FISCHER: You’re trying to get that safe open. To get the alternate will. Browning looks up at Fischer. BROWNING: Fischer Morrow’s been my entire life. I can’t let you destroy it. FISCHER: I’m not going to throw away my inheritance. Why would I? BROWNING: I couldn’t take the chance of you rising to your father’s final taunt. FISCHER: What taunt? BROWNING: That will. I’m sorry, Robert, but it’s his final insult. A challenge to build something for yourself. He’s telling you that you aren’t worthy of his achievements. Fischer takes this in. Devastated. FISCHER: That he was “disappointed?” BROWNING: I’m so sorry. But he was wrong. You’ll make his company even greater than he ever could. COBB: Your godfather’s lying, Robert. Fischer turns to Cobb. FISCHER: How do you know? COBB: It’s what I do. He’s hiding something. Cobb looks at Browning. COBB: Let’s find out what. Cobb nods at Arthur, who starts unpacking the mechanism. Browning watches. Silent. COBB: Let’s do to him what he was going to do to you. Cobb rolls up his sleeve. Nods at Fischer to do the same. COBB: We’ll penetrate his subconscious and find out what he doesn’t want you to know. Fischer looks Cobb in the eye. Decides- rolls up his sleeve, offering his bare arm. The team run tubes to each other- Arthur injects Fischer, whose head slumps. ARTHUR: He’s out. ARIADNE: Wait, Cobb-I’m lost. Whose subconscious are we going into? COBB: Fischer’s. I told him it was Browning’s so he’d come with us as part of our team. ARTHUR (impressed): He’s going to help us break into his own subconscious. COBB: That’s the idea. He’ll think that his security is Browning’s and fight them to learn the truth about his father. Arthur hits buttons on the mechanism. The team goes out one by one. Cobb is last. COBB: Fischer’s subconscious is going to run you down hard. ARTHUR: I’ll lead them on a merry chase. COBB: Be back in time for the kick. ARTHUR: I’m on it. Cobb is no longer listening- he stares at the net curtains, BILLOWING like those in Mal’s suite- a GLIMPSE of someone (Mal?) As the screen goes WHITE, and we are-

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