Childish Gambino - Because the internet Screenplay - Part 4 - Tekst piosenki, lyrics -

Because the internet Screenplay - Part 4

Childish Gambino

because the internet Screenplay



Tekst piosenki
RAP GENIUS NOTE: This is Part 4 of the script, read Parts 1-3 if you have not already [VISUAL PLAYING "DEATH BY NUMBERS"] *******[PLAY SONG "FLIGHT OF THE NAVIGATOR" AT THIS POINT]******* INT. HOSPITAL - DAY [VISUAL] The Boy wakes up. He's in a gown. His eyes feel heavy. The TV is on in his room. "Golden Girls" to be specific. One of the ladies just said something funny cause there's a lot of laughter Sitcom laughs always freaked him out. Because most of those people are dead. Those are ghost laughs. Laughs that are supposed to be gone forever linger on earth after every mid 90s joke about teenage sex or someone saying "don't go there". Looking for their mouths, never finding them because they're gone. The laughs don't feel good because they're dead laughs. Those laughs aren't what they stood for anymore. They've been reappropriated. Now they're just sounds monkey descendants make when amused to cue other monkey descendants when to make the sounds at home eyes feel heavy A nurse comes in        WHITE GUY NURSE: Hello Mr.[EDIT]. How are you feeling?        THE BOY: Like I'm about to get talked to by someone about- (gestures) All this Nurse gives a "yep" look        WHITE GUY NURSE: You're friends brought you in-        THE BOY: They're not my friends        WHITE GUY NURSE: I don't think they'd like you saying that        THE BOY: Doesn't matter. It's the truth. But also, they know. We're not friends. There's a mutual benefit to our relationship, but I can't trust them for shit        WHITE GUY NURSE: Then why save you?        THE BOY: Cause their lives are far easier with me around. It's survival        WHITE GUY NURSE: I think you should talk to someone        THE BOY: We're talking        WHITE GUY NURSE: A professional        THE BOY: Why? You don't care. You're not gonna make sure I do. (then) Our lives aren't precious, man Silence. The Nurse begins to clean up        WHITE GUY NURSE: You done?        THE BOY: I was trying to be        WHITE GUY NURSE: No you weren't. Cause, guess what? It's not hard to do Nurse leaves INT. WAITING ROOM - LATER THAT DAY The Boy walks out of the double doors. Steve, Swank, and Fam are sitting there. They look up wearily        THE BOY: I don't wanna talk. Let's just go be awkward and quiet together at Chipotle. Alright? They all just stare. Swank gets up slowly and walks over        SWANK: Man...we didn't know if we should wait or tell you later, man The Boy makes a ["WHAT?" EMOJI] face        SWANK (CONT'D): Man...your pops died, man. Got the call Silence        THE BOY: Okay (hum of a jet engine...) *******[PLAY SONG "ZEALOTS OF STOCKHOLM" AT THIS POINT]******* INT. JET PLANE - EVENING The Boy lays his head against the plane window, the oil from his hair leaving grease smudges all over the window His father died in Stockholm. A family member was needed. Didn't realize that they were each other's only family til this very moment. When you lose that, you basically lose most of your memories, at least the accuracy of your own memories He wanted to be cremated The Boy didn't really know anyone in Stockholm, but he also didn't want to be in his hotel room with his father for a day. Even if he was just ashes. So he decided to search through his followers for someone from Sweden Some girl named "Hello_Pity_" Dm'd him back and they were supposed to meet up after all the whatever he had to do. Her profile bio said she was half french. She looked pretty in her avi: an inverted Hello Kitty. But that really doesn't mean anything at all, especially since her instagram was blocked, which is something he's learned not to trust at all So he looked through her tweets, figured out a night she went to a club, used one of his dummy profiles and pretended that they'd met at the club that night. She had trouble remembering because, according to her feed, she was "fuckin turnt, [CRAZY TONGUE OUT EMOJI] lol". She added this made up dude as a friend on Facebook. Now The Boy could see her pictures The rest of her pictures confirmed she was indeed pretty This girl loves Justin Bieber though. New Justin Bieber. The "fuck you" Bieber. She loves Justin Bieber in the way you love that girl on Maury who's like "my favorite flavor popsicle is DICK!", which is close to sincere love, but nowhere near it at the same time INT. STRANGE OFFICE - NIGHT The Boy is sitting at a desk, across from a solemn man. An urn sits on the left side of the desk The man slides it over to The Boy        SOLEMN MAN: I'm sorry for your loss Silence. Don't you have to ask someone before you cremate their father? I don't know how these things work        SOLEMN MAN (CONT'D): These were found with him He gives The Boy a large brown paper bag INT. HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT The Boy vapes on the foot of his bed. He's DMing back and forth with "Hello_Pity_" whose real name is Alyssa        thegoldmolar: where u at        Hello_Pity_: bar called box. meet u here?        thegoldmolar: yeah        Hello_Pity_: u should meet my boyfriend. he loves you Weird        thegoldmolar: sure        Hello_Pity_: [CRYING LAUGH EMOJI] LOL. Don't worry. It's not like that        thegoldmolar: wdym        Hello_Pity_: [CRAZY TONGUE OUT EMOJI] see u soon He puts his phone down EXT. STOCKHOLM STREETS - NIGHT There's a buzz going on. Very pretty people walk hand in hand on the street. There are people saying things, giving opinions, feeling interesting. Everyone has a purpose tonight. It's a great time A couple walk by:        SUPER HANDSOME GUY: Swedish blah blah blah roscoe's wetsuit hahahaha!        SUPER PRETTY GIRL: blah blah, swedish blah blah roscoe's wetsuit! The Boy walks up to a pink, glowing, but very discreet sign that says "box". There's a big bald guy standing outside with no hat. There's steam coming off his head A girl is standing outside smoking, at least trying to. She can't seem to get the cigarette lit. It's Alyssa        THE BOY: Hey        ALYSSA: Ah! It's you She gives him a kiss on both cheeks        ALYSSA (CONT'D): Fancy meeting you like this, huh?        THE BOY: I don't know what you mean She puts out her cigarette. After two big puffs        ALYSSA: Let's go        THE BOY: Didn't you want me to meet your boyfriend?        ALYSSA: Who? That guy? She points to a corner of the building, a few steps from the front. A guy with long blonde hair (her boyfriend?)is making out with a girl in the cold        THE BOY: What am I getting into?        ALYSSA: Nothing. You're getting into nothing CUT TO: EXT. STOCKHOLM STREETS - CONTINUOUS The Boy and Alyssa walk slowly through the streets. It's very cold, so they're the only ones doing that        ALYSSA: What made you DM me?        THE BOY: I don't know anyone here        ALYSSA: Then why are you here?        THE BOY: My dad died. I have to pick him up        ALYSSA: R O U G H. How?        THE BOY: Doesn't matter at this point        ALYSSA: I know right? It's always "how'd he die?" Like if you know all the ways, you'll avoid it. Silly She shivers        ALYSSA (CONT'D): I don't believe in small talk. What's the longest relationship you've been in?        THE BOY: Five years        ALYSSA: Wow. What happened?        THE BOY: I'm still in it        ALYSSA: Oh?        THE BOY: She does private web shows. We're not together. But it's a relationship, for sure        ALYSSA: I don't get it        THE BOY: I used to watch her online a while back. Then she quit and started doing private shows. Then it just started turning into talking. Mostly        ALYSSA: Wooooaah        THE BOY: Wha?        ALYSSA: You're paying her to be your girlfriend or friend or whatever        THE BOY: Yes. But most people are paying for friends one way or another        ALYSSA: No        THE BOY: Your boyfriend is making out with another girl right now. You don't really have room to judge        ALYSSA: I trust that I can never trust him. We're clear on that        THE BOY: Then why have him at all?        ALYSSA: Because he's honest. And I like that. He doesn't lie to either of us. That's special to me INT. HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT [VISUAL] The two are sitting on the bed staring at the urn on the table        ALYSSA: So that's your dad        THE BOY: That's my dad. That's what's left of him        ALYSSA: You guys close?        THE BOY: No        ALYSSA: You wanna talk about it        THE BOY: No Silence        THE BOY (CONT'D): I'm going to make a drink        ALYSSA: Alright The Boy gets up and goes into the living room. While he's in there, Alyssa gets up, takes the urn, and walks out of the room. The Boy hears the door slam        THE BOY: Alyssa? CUT TO: *******[PLAY SONG "URN" AT THIS POINT]******* EXT. HOTEL - NIGHT The Boy runs out of the front doors. His breath, clouding in the night. He looks both ways and catches Alyssa turning a corner. He runs to the corner and meets her on the other side        THE BOY: What's going on        ALYSSA: Let's get rid of it. It's just bad for you        THE BOY: You have a TON of nerve judging me and my father's relationship, so much so, you just walk out with his ashes? I feel like what you're doing is against the law, but much like the fact he was cremated before I arrived, I don't know if it's illegal. I'm still pissed though        ALYSSA: We're gonna do this together The Boy is pissed. He's trying not to blow up        ALYSSA (CONT'D): I had a sister. I did this when she died        THE BOY: Yes. That gives you the right Alyssa digs in her pocket and pulls out her phone. She turns it on and the background is Alyssa and a girl that looks exactly like her. The Boy takes the phone        THE BOY (CONT'D): Twins        ALYSSA: Yes        THE BOY: I know we agreed that it's dumb to ask since we're all headed that way anyway, but-        ALYSSA: Brain cancer. It was bad Silence        ALYSSA (CONT'D): So crazy She LOLs. They're still walking this entire time. They stop at the water. They stand there making small clouds for a moment        ALYSSA (CONT'D): You want to say something? The Boy shrugs        ALYSSA (CONT'D): Alright-        THE BOY: Wait The urn almost tips over the edge. She waits for him. He walks over and takes the urn and just holds it for a moment. Then he kinda hugs it. Laying his head on it, but turning his head so she can't see what he says:        THE BOY (CONT'D, whisper): I'm sorry we're alone [VISUAL] He pours out the ashes. He's gone        ALYSSA: How do you feel? Better?        THE BOY: I feel...the same        VOICE: HEY! Alyssa and The Boy turn around. It's Alyssa's boyfriend        BOYFRIEND: What the fuck, bro?        ALYSSA: Oh, so you now you give a fuck She pushes him back as he takes swipes at The Boy. The Boy is mildly annoyed. They're all yelling at each other        BOYFRIEND/THE BOY/ALYSSA: You're dead ass-hole!/ Relax, nothing happened/ Would you stop! The boyfriend breaks free from her        BOYFRIEND: Do you know who the fuck I am?        ALYSSA: Please don't. Please don't do this        THE BOY: Nah, man. I don't know who you are        BOYFRIEND (CONT'D, scream): WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY! (silence) I. Wrote. That. That's my shit. I'm the nigga dressed like a fox. That's all me        THE BOY: What? The boyfriend starts making the noises a fox makes in the song        BOYFRIEND: That!        ALYSSA (resigned, to The Boy): Like the song and video        THE BOY: I've never heard of it        ALYSSA AND BOYFIREND: What/wha?        ALYSSA: I thought you "were the internet"?        THE BOY: That's a tagline. No one is the actual internet. I just must've missed it when it was popular        BOYFRIEND: Uh, by "when it was popular" do you mean, uhhh, RIGHT THE FUCK NOW?!        THE BOY: Relax        BOYFRIEND: Two hundred and twenty million views on Youtube. Two hundred and twenty million. That's most of the earth        THE BOY: Not true        BOYFRIEND: An African village wrote to me-        THE BOY: The whole village did?        BOYFRIEND: -and told me that my song taught them about foxes. They don't have foxes there. I introduced the idea of a fox to an entire continent...(then) And you wanna fuck my girl? Silence        THE BOY: I do not wanna fuck your girl. I don't want to be here. I am going home now The Boy walks away. Alyssa and her boyfriend start a boring argument in the cold as he disappears CUT TO: INT. LA VEGAN RESTAURANT - NIGHT Fam, another girl, and The Boy sit in a booth at the restaurant. Fam and the girl are talking. The Boy is silent. Don't know if he's just bored or jet lagged from Sweden. Either way he's bumming everyone out        ANOTHER GIRL: My friend should be here soon The Boy doesn't say anything. Fam and the girl look on A girl walks up to the table. The Boy looks up. It's the girl from the party        NAOMI: Hi The Boy doesn't say anything        ANOTHER GIRL: This is Naomi. (then) Hello?        FAM: He's dumb. You should just sit and ignore him She sits down        NAOMI: You're the guy that almost hit my arm        THE BOY: Yes        NAOMI: You guys order?        THE BOY: No. I hate vegan. I think she's making us eat here        NAOMI: I'm the vegan. I asked to eat here Silence        THE BOY: I hate vegan        NAOMI (saying it dumb): Duhh, "I hate vegan" In his head, he was lol-ing. In real life, he just kinda looked down        NAOMI (CONT'D): What's the deal. Why you always act like your parents died The Boy smirks        THE BOY: They did Awkward. Silence        ANOTHER GIRL: I'm so sorry Fam and The Boy stare at each other for a moment. Then laugh. Another Girl and Naomi do not        FAM (to The Boy): Your parents are dead, man        THE BOY: My parents are dead yo They slowly stop laughing. Naomi thinks The Boy is weird. But she doesn't run INT. MANSION - NIGHT Fam and Another Girl are sitting on the swings smoking and talking about something they will never remember and don't really care about Naomi and The Boy sit in the living room        NAOMI: What did he do?        THE BOY: I don't know        NAOMI: How'd he afford all this?        THE BOY: I don't know        NAOMI: Then how can you afford all this? He leave you a lot?        THE BOY: Creditors were after him. I don't know if he had anything left. I'm not concerned. (serious) I'm gonna sell drugs Naomi LMAOs        NAOMI: Whaaaaaat        THE BOY: Fam can hook me up. I've been watching him for a minute. He runs out of here already        NAOMI: I don't think you need me to tell you you're an awful dealer        THE BOY: How would you even know?        NAOMI: You make everything feel awkward. You can't connect with anyone. How is anyone supposed to feel like they can trust you?        THE BOY: Yeah, that's what drug dealers are known for. Their comfort        NAOMI: They are, dumb-ass. You gotta know how people work. You're only good with people online He slowly turns to her. "how does she know that?"        NAOMI (CONT'D): I looked you up        THE BOY: After the party or just now        NAOMI: Just now. I'm a writer too        THE BOY: Oh really        NAOMI: Yup. And I know I'm good cause people keep stealing my shit She hits the vape        NAOMI (CONT'D): I tweeted this. (holds up her phone) Is that not my poem verbatim? I posted them together. This nigga just rapped this like it was his        THE BOY (looking at her phone): Your first mistake is being a poet past the year 1974, by the way        NAOMI: That's how good my shit is. I'm bringing the whole form back        THE BOY: You're cocky when you're high        NAOMI: No. I'm talkative when I'm high. I'm cocky all the time, but I'm silent for most of you He looks up. She lifts an eyebrow. He doesn't smile. She goes cross-eyed. No response. She stops, then sighs        NAOMI (CONT'D): You ever think we're in hell? This is all hell. Living on earth and being the only ones aware that it's all ending slowly Silence        THE BOY: No        NAOMI: I read something that said more than likely we all just do this all again. It's all a cycle        THE BOY: I like that theory        NAOMI: Yeah. (then) See? You're not such a lonely boy She LOLs and mushes his face with her hand. The Boy smh, but smiles RAP GENIUS NOTE: This is the end of Part 4, continue on at Part 5

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